My bathroom phobia always has to do with how dirty they are. My sister, who’s 5, had to pee and we were in a diner and there were two stalls. One was out of order and the other looked absolutely disgusting. She was forced to pee in the sink. In my high school the toilet exploded and no one cared to tell anyone and I discovered it and almost threw up. This is why I have public bathroom issues. Yet nobody gets it. They all think I’m crazy.
i had em… highschool bathrooms, everytime you went in, you could hear the music from the movie psychosis when the girl in the shower gets murdered, thats how bad it was.
Well… sometimes it happens in China… well… just no doors… and sometimes no separation… well… sometimes worst than that but I’ll stop explaining it here. Good night!
Well, at least she was friendly about it. (Ah, Canada!)
Jeez, the thought of bathrooms like that actually existing left me terrified.
While my bathroom phobias are distinctly different from yours, I too have recurring dreams about them. So don’t feel too strange about it.
définitivement les rêves de toilette.
(mon préféré.)
My bathroom phobia always has to do with how dirty they are. My sister, who’s 5, had to pee and we were in a diner and there were two stalls. One was out of order and the other looked absolutely disgusting. She was forced to pee in the sink. In my high school the toilet exploded and no one cared to tell anyone and I discovered it and almost threw up. This is why I have public bathroom issues. Yet nobody gets it. They all think I’m crazy.
Whoa, that’s intense. I don’t think I’ve ever had extremes like this.
i had em… highschool bathrooms, everytime you went in, you could hear the music from the movie psychosis when the girl in the shower gets murdered, thats how bad it was.
Your toilet dreams never cease to amuse.
The stalls at my school have pretty short doors. I wouldn’t mind if a lot of people at my school were short… but, uh, they’re not. =\
Well… sometimes it happens in China… well… just no doors… and sometimes no separation… well… sometimes worst than that but I’ll stop explaining it here. Good night!
I just love your expression in the last panel. You look so done with all these weird toilet dreams.