I think something snapped in her head that day, or something.
As I mentioned on Monday, next weekend I’ll be in Toronto for the Wizard World Toronto Comic Con! Find me at booth 2120, just beside my talented friend Geneviève. I’ll be selling Boumeries, of course, among other things!
Being a kindergarten teacher myself, sometimes I say things like that just to mess with my students. You have to know which ones will actually “get” your subtle humor, and which ones will cross you off a mental checklist. ;-)
I’ve never understood teachers besides those whom work in a High School. =/ Whether they’re old, having an off day, or have some strange sense of humor that even I won’t laugh at (and I have a very… “easy” sort of humor. I’ll laugh at most anything basically), when it all comes down to it, I just want to get my work done. xD
Did she really say it all loud like the text suggests? XD
Yeah, I realize I kinda do that too now (example: my niece says she’d like to have houses made only of TVs, and I reply that she’ll have trouble paying her electricity bill)… But I was 10 years old at that moment, and she seemed so disconnected, I don’t think she meant what she said. It’s my most vivid memory of her so I have no idea how she acted the rest of the time :P
Yep! With a weird face of slight disgust. I still don’t understand what happened. Maybe I misunderstood… but it’s still pretty clear in my head, and I was old enough to be like “WTF?”
Yeah, teacher can be quite weird. Like my frist grade teacher, when we didn’t do our homework. She would put us in line in front of the class, says ” You all are little mushrooms” and then hit our behind with a ruler (they were gentle hit, but still) But then she broke her leg and we had a really nice teacher to replace her for the rest of the year. XD
Not to talk about my third grade teacher who liked to put children in big trashbin or empty they desk on the floor…..
Maybe she was having a “senior moment.” Not suggesting she’s old, just one of those moments. Hahaha, memories could be wrong, but they’re pretty funny all the same. xD And we feel they’re true, and that’s all that matters.
Right? O.o
Uh… sounds intense.
Just figure it this way: They meet 25 new kids every year (more in middle school and high school). They are tasked with the same level of responsibility as parents, and are given little respect or affection by many of their students- and are often confronted by parents’ misplaced anger… It makes someone weird after a few years… And it takes a weird person to keep doing it.
She was pretty old. ;)
Yeah, I know… tough career. My sister’s a high school teacher and I don’t know how she does it.
Je sais pas si je suis con ou quoi, je comprend pas celle-là. Pourquoi elle n’est plus ta professeure favorite ? Parce qu’elle demande qui est la personne qui se trouve être ta soeur ? Parce qu’elle s’en fou ? Je comprend pas.
La seule explication que je trouve c’est : « Qu’est-ce que c’est que ça »… Mais à ce moment là, pourquoi son expression semble plutôt neutre que dégoutée dans la BD ?
En français, elle avait demandé “KESSÉÇA” en regardant ma soeur, et elle avait l’air tellement déconnectée de la réalité… je savais pas trop comment prendre ça et j’ai arrêté de l’aimer à ce moment-là. :P