Yes!! I’m glad somebody recognized the (crappily drawn) controller. These days she likes to play Ocarina of Time, although she mostly just walks around to collect rupees and throw herself down cliffs. But she likes Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash, Mario Tennis, Donkey Kong 64… She’s trying all our games really. She’s not very good at them yet but she understands Mario Kart and she’s really good with the controls.
Is she playing an N64? That’s awesome! What games?
Its OK Margot. I’m scared of babies too!
Yes!! I’m glad somebody recognized the (crappily drawn) controller. These days she likes to play Ocarina of Time, although she mostly just walks around to collect rupees and throw herself down cliffs. But she likes Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash, Mario Tennis, Donkey Kong 64… She’s trying all our games really. She’s not very good at them yet but she understands Mario Kart and she’s really good with the controls.
I feel threatened that I will lose your love to this new child!