The funny trivia about this anecdote is, I don’t remember this happening at all. My aunt told me that back then, I had told her myself how I’d failed at running away because I couldn’t open the damn window. Sometimes you can question a child’s honesty, but this is just too much of a failure to actually make it up and pretend you’re interesting.
0nce i ran away fr0m h0me… int0 the d0g´s h0use, my parents f0und me cause the d0g went t0 tell them, what a snitch.
This is way too adorable. x3
Bad dog!
I tried to run away from home when I was little. didn’t bring anything just started walking down the street. My mom stood in the doorway and shouted Good-bye over and over again. My mom was super mean.
But that kinda works… I would’ve come back feeling even more sorry. :C
I somehow got out of my locked front door and made it out of my apartment complex and across the street when I was two xD
well… he was kinda my babysitter, a german shepherd called spike, it was 0ne 0f th0se d0gs that seems t0 have human th0ughs (like in the m0vies), still!! he c0uld have helped me run away further instead and we w0uld be like that bum and his d0g that travels in the trains! >:/.
als0, d0nt y0u find it funny h0w all 0f us tried t0 run away fr0m h0me at 0ne m0ment in 0ur childh00d? and n0t 0nly running away, a l0t 0f funny things are similar with kids.
Lol !!
Very cute short story =) Subtle animation in panel three is subtle…