You guys! Important news this morning! I have just launched my very own Patreon page! Patreon is very much like Kickstarter, except that rather than giving an artist a huge chunk of money once to fund one project, you’re donating little money once every month to support the artist’s regular work. It applies especially well to webcomics. Now don’t worry, Boumeries will always be free to read right here, but if you like my work, please consider sparing a few bucks to help me pay for food and bills (and cons! and books!)
Here’s a small video I did that speaks for itself (plus you get to hear my funny accent.)
She who can *destroy* a thing *controls* that thing!
This game sounds amazing. I would be laughing too hard too be upset… at first. xD
I have no idea why you think that’s a weird accent. Your accent is significantly better than those of 99% of the French speakers I know. (The remaining folks were in my French class and have that weird Upper Michigan accent, so… eh.) Also, Margot is so cute!
Haha, well that makes me feel better!
I have that same game. What me and my brother liked to do is say fruits without having the button pressed, then say one while the button is pressed.
Haha, that’s a great way to play! (And it’s more fair than mine ;) )
Wouains, Margot a le sense du timing en tout cas!
And at the end of that video I remembered that strip where you depicted Margot scream types (AAAAAAAAAAAND IIIIIIIIIIII~)
How does this break the game? Does saying gibberish make all the times fall? I must know! uwu
It picks a fruit at random!
I am loving your comics; they are hilarious!! The patreon video was great because your accent is cool and now I know how Margot is pronounced (your baby is cute).