Hourly Comic Day 2012
Alright, so today is Hourly Comic Day! I’ll be posting one comic every hour about what happened in the hour prior! Come back often for more!
Whew. I’m calling it quits. I had a rough day — being alone during all of this made it particularly difficult, but I think there’s some good stuff in there. Thanks for reading, y’all, and good night!
Discussion (50) ¬
I forgot that there was a delay between Australia and Canada. It’s around 11 at night here now!
Oh well. Tomorrow!
P.S. Your dreams are as wonderful as ever.
Aw shucks, of course! Well good night, I hope you enjoy tomorrow ;)
I suddenly realized… I get my comics one hour earlier (kinda) because of the time difference in Illinois! How fun!
9am-Bwahahahahaha! fun!
10am- The deodorant thing happens to me all the time!
It’s painful :C
I pee with the door open when I’m alone too!
It’s worth it. XD
Et quand on a des enfants, on perd à l’inverse le privilège de pisser la porte fermée.
Hahaha! Merci pour l’avertissement…
EEEE!!! I’m so excited :DDD Love the comics so far! Cannot wait for more! I just came home from a dental appointment, so to an addition to school, I had to wait until now (4pm) to start reading! D: HUZZAH FOR RANDOM SINGING.
P.S. I love this comic so much, that when I was signing my name, I put “Boumerieslover!” xDD
You just made my day XD
awww! That’s an awesome dream! XD I look adorable. Somehow I can picture the boum-deer. !!
That happened to me too! The deodorant thing!
And what a coincidence – I’ve been listening to the ffvi opera a lot the past two days too! + xenogears ost. The <3 so nostalgic!
The comic with you scanning and singing is wonderful! :)
Good luck on the rest of the day! :D will read them when I wake up!
THAT’S SO WEIRD KARREY, I’ve been going through Xenogears again — and of course listening to the soundtrack all the time! Great games, great games…
Thanks hun <3
I’m not very good at smelling food either. D: I can never tell what’s spoiled or not, unless it’s gone horribly bad. xD
Wow, I wish I had your productivity :D I learned yesterday that today was Hourly Comic Day, and I kind of wanted to participate. Alas, I’ve really got about zero experience in making actual comics, and I didn’t plan it very well… But hey, I learned a little at least :)
I really enjoy watching the updates, and I’m very glad (but not surprised) to see a reference to video game music and specifically FFVI :D
this day can get any better?
(i just arrived, i accompanied my grandma to the next city for some business she had there, and took the chance to step in the “Gamers” store and bought Final Fantasy X-2), of course it can! HOURLY FUCKING COMICS DAY!! WOOOO!!
OHMAHGAWD, you must have my old scanner. It was so stupid!! D:< I got a new one, but I don't know if it's much better. xD
Scanners hate artists and doodlers. It is a proven fact. D=
And it’ll just get better and better each hour. :DD
You don’t need experience to make good HCD comics really! Lots of people are doing it and they’re pretty entertaining. :)
It’s just so full of eraser crap thingies, and I can’t get them out it seems.
OH! Ew… D: I have a love/hate of erasers xD Thanks for telling me, now I can keep an eye on my scanner for that. Hahaha~ x3
P.S. I want to sniff you. Have I reached creeper level yet? Hahaha! xD Naw, just joshin, I just flippin LOVE mash potatoes!
Me too! I like mash potatoes I mean. I don’t want to sniff myself. :P
You should read the ingredients in your deodorant. Just in case. x3
The chocolate mousse panel is the best thing.
“I can pee the door open” IS pretty funny, though.
Pffft… that last comic. I want to be polite and NOT “Grammar Nazi” like on Monday, but it looks like a whole bunch of other people took car of the “I can pee the door open” for me.
… darn )= Hahaha x3
I know right! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to draw that happening too.
Hey! It’s just a translation problem thing. It made perfect sense in French in my head. XD
And I’m really not one to talk. xD I’ve been misspelling things like crazy. Example, my last post had “car” instead of “care!” xDD
Argh, your comic reminded me that I have to go to bed. =0= Hahahah, I think you know you’re tired.
I have no idea how I’d actually have to stand to open a door with my pee.
Haha no worries. I’m doing one last comic and then I’m off. =_=
Good, hahaha! xD Don’t want you tired. And, oh, geez, victim of the autocorrect. x3
Thanks :) I’ll keep your encouragement in mind! I’m going to keep learning more and testing my skill at drawing comics :D
Superrrrrrr! Man, ça a l’air rough faire des Hourly Comics! Mais tout est possible avec des soudtracks de jeux vidéos! Woot!
(Trivia: J’ai capoté quand j’ai appris que la musique de Crono Trigger a été écrite par un jeune de 23 ans et que c’était son premier projet …! )
(Dit la nerd de musique …)
Awesome load of work. That way you can do a new book every other week… And about the smelly thing: I always thought it is just me and I’m weird. Thank you. See, comics can change your life to the better …
Whaaaaaat. Je savais pas qu’il avait 23 ans…
Haha! Thanks Thomas :)
MAhahahaaaa! Très bon! félicitation!
Merci :D
You know… with very young kids around the house… you don’t want to get your eyes off them so you pee with the door open even when you’re not alone XP *secret life of a parent*
Haha, t’es la deuxième qui me dit ça…
Ouais, c’est assez gênant les premières fois, même devant un enfant de 1½ ans (surtout quand il essai de regarder entre tes 2 jambes pour voir si tu fais un #1 ou un #2), mais on s’habitue vite…
Pis là l’autre parent se pointe… faque tu te lèves en plein milieu de la job pis tu fermes la porte et VITE. LOL
Haha, ils essayent de regarder dans la bolle?! C’est drôle/pas drôle ça… j’me rappelle pas avoir déjà fait ça. :S
Tee hee!
Hey, tu devrais lire toutes les situations d’auto-correct sur
Il y a du stock pour faire des BDs si ça t’inspire.
Haha, je connais! Mais mes bédés c’est seulement des trucs qui me sont arrivés, à moi. Donc. ;)
Depends on the video game.