Guest Comic: Flushed
I got this as a surprise in my inbox the other day! A guest comic by Brian, who was inspired by my comics to do his own! Check out his stuff here. I really like receiving these, it’s such an honour that anyone would want to draw Boumeries at all! (And right now they’re pretty handy since I’m super busy with a graphic novel and can barely squeeze in some time for this comic…)
Speaking of busy, I’ve also been working on a little something that I’m sure you’ll enjoy… here’s a sneak peek!
Discussion (13) ¬
“And from that day, Boum’s inbox was always filled with guest comics from fans…” Incidentally, the toilet- and videogame-theme of this guest strip fits pretty well with your regular comics!
Seriously, I’m really inspired to do a fan/guest comic, so I hope to have some time to do it in in the near future. You may or may not already know this, but I’ve just started doing journal comics myself. Let’s just say that it has come into existence mostly because of all the autobio webcomics I read on a regular basis (including Boumeries of course).
That’s what I thought when I was selecting tags for this comic, haha!
And, that’s terrific — that you’d want to do a guest comic and that you’ve been doing comics of your own! After a while, I find journal comics to be really interesting as they’re snapshots of your life in general. I’ll probably look back at these when I’m old and be reminded lots of stuff.
Ooh, what’s the graphic novel? Or is the graphic novel Boumeries Volume 2?
I’ve been working on my own comic for a while too. I started it before I knew about Boumeries, but it has really encouraged me to continue my dreams as a cartoonist of some sort. (Wow me.) I’ve also been thinking of starting a Journal comic, but I have no idea what to draw about or how to keep it decently short and funny. I would love to get a start by doing a guest comic for you, Boum! I idolize your work and your… you! You’re a wonderful person plan and simple. You treat your fans kindly and let them know they’re important to you.
Expect an email from me soon~<3 I can't wait to show you what I got!
The graphic novel is something completely different from Boumeries! It’s my first professional book. It’s a fiction titled “La petite révolution” (The Little Revolution), and will be released this Fall in French. I’ll be working on an English version as soon as possible. :)
Previews and sneak peeks are here:évolution
Aww, you’re super sweet! That’d be totally awesome! I’m looking forward to that :)
Thanks~~ <3
I expect now you’re going to get an unrelenting flood of guest comics. :P
I myself may do one as soon as I get out of the idea rut I’ve been stuck in all summer.
Oh, I wouldn’t mind that ;)
Thanks! Having something to look back on, I think that’s a wonderful thought. And it must be something special about comics that you’ve made yourself =)
I got a couple of positive comments on my comics from some of my closest friends, and it really meant a lot to me. It also inspires me to make more!