Spice up your love life!
Just a little reminder that the Art Block Kickstarter is still happening! It’s a webcomics anthology I’m in! There’s 25 artists in total in there, and it’s gonna be a beautiful book so please consider helping us out? The more money it makes, the more money in the artists’ pockets!
Here’s a sneak peek:
And here are some other comics in the book: Good Bear Comics! Grumpy! Lollibeepop! Rustled Jimmies!
Discussion (9) ¬
how can this spice up your love life …?!? XD DX
hahaha! Too funny! It’s like being surprised by Easter eggs year round.
My grandfather had a snail with a suction cup on it. Every time he visited, we’d find it somewhere new. I loved that.
Looks like a Tapir Cat monster thing. Still that’s pretty funny, hiding it in random places. xD It’s Easter everyday for your Husband.
My husband and I had an 18-inch plastic skeleton that we used to hide on each other; in the window well, on the other persons’ side of the bed, on the toilet, in the shower, etc. Sadly it was super cheap and fell apart after only one year and we were sad when it died.
The real question is: how can it NOT