Fanny Pack by Boum on October 25, 2019 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips There I was worrying about melting freezies in someone’s fanny pack └ Tags: conventions
Oh, my Free-zine is all melted… can I get another one? Preferably whatever the “red” flavour is?
Language is a weird thing isn’t it? So many things can be misheard with hilarious results!
What was the magazine about, if you don’t mind me asking?
I didn’t realize people still made Zines, what with the internet being a thing and all…
Everyone’s got zines at comic shows!
It was a fanzine! It was a journal comic about buying their first pair of underwear as transgender :)
Hahahahaha! At long last! It took me two days but I’ve finally read through the whole comic! Love your work, btw, Boum. The art style is unique and appealing, yet simple enough to get frequent updates out so I don’t have to wait for content. :D
Yay, thanks for sticking around!