This could be one of two possibilities: Either you’re meant to order multiple items off the menu and make a meal and thus you’re getting what you paid for, or they’re just a terrible restaurant in addition to being cheap
There’s also the fact that fancy restaurant miss the mark on this alot, they charge a ton, give you a tiny bit of fancy looking food and try to sell you on the experience. That said this place is missing the mark as that salad is obviously not very fancy looking
The idea of fancy small portions is that you’re supposed to be able affordably order many dishes and get a bit of everything and have it presented in a nice manner. I guess cheap, small and boring is better then expensive small and fancy? (Though IMO Cheap Large and boring is more my speed :P. I guess it’s like the old saying, “You can do things Well, Cheap or Fast, pick two”)
$10 for soup and salad? This is cheap? Those are entrees, they should be the least expensive dishes on the menu. The fact that you guys were relieved to see entrees that only cost $10 must really speak for how expensive Vancouver is. I’m so glad I moved to a dirt-cheap little podunk town for college.
I’ve learned to always check the reviews of a restaurant online first, if anything for photographs of the servings. It’s saved my butt a few times, even if it pisses off my husband XD
It sounds about right for similar dishes here in Chicago, at least in mid-range restaurants. But at least we get a proper salad or bowl of soup for it, not some amuse bouche type deal.
That reminds me of when my husband and I stayed in a hotel for our anniversary- it was a really good price, especially for the location, and it was four stars! The catch, it turned out, came in the food- which was just like this. My husband got lamb and I’m not exaggerating when I say it was three small squares of meat and a small “fancy” portion of veg.
(The gluten free halloumi and chips was pretty good though! For once the vegetarian gf option was the best!)
I’ve been in places like that. They want you to think it’s “fancy and “new age”. I just think it’s a “cheat.’’
This could be one of two possibilities: Either you’re meant to order multiple items off the menu and make a meal and thus you’re getting what you paid for, or they’re just a terrible restaurant in addition to being cheap
There’s also the fact that fancy restaurant miss the mark on this alot, they charge a ton, give you a tiny bit of fancy looking food and try to sell you on the experience. That said this place is missing the mark as that salad is obviously not very fancy looking
The idea of fancy small portions is that you’re supposed to be able affordably order many dishes and get a bit of everything and have it presented in a nice manner. I guess cheap, small and boring is better then expensive small and fancy? (Though IMO Cheap Large and boring is more my speed :P. I guess it’s like the old saying, “You can do things Well, Cheap or Fast, pick two”)
$10 for soup and salad? This is cheap? Those are entrees, they should be the least expensive dishes on the menu. The fact that you guys were relieved to see entrees that only cost $10 must really speak for how expensive Vancouver is. I’m so glad I moved to a dirt-cheap little podunk town for college.
I’ve learned to always check the reviews of a restaurant online first, if anything for photographs of the servings. It’s saved my butt a few times, even if it pisses off my husband XD
It’s not THAT bad but Granville Island is a very touristic area, so everything is out of price.
It sounds about right for similar dishes here in Chicago, at least in mid-range restaurants. But at least we get a proper salad or bowl of soup for it, not some amuse bouche type deal.
That reminds me of when my husband and I stayed in a hotel for our anniversary- it was a really good price, especially for the location, and it was four stars! The catch, it turned out, came in the food- which was just like this. My husband got lamb and I’m not exaggerating when I say it was three small squares of meat and a small “fancy” portion of veg.
(The gluten free halloumi and chips was pretty good though! For once the vegetarian gf option was the best!)
Welcome to our fancy restaurant, all our meals are kids meals
What about well AND cheap?
Then you get it done slowly I guess.