Second installment of Ze French Month, a month about my trip to France with Pierre-Luc!
Thanks to all of you who voted for the comic! Please remember you can vote everyday!
Second installment of Ze French Month, a month about my trip to France with Pierre-Luc!
Thanks to all of you who voted for the comic! Please remember you can vote everyday!
hahaha well that makes sense!
uhm… idk but wasnt the cliché outfit a trend in france a loong time ago?, if u ask me i love that outfit, i used to have one, it have an evil spell that makes girls think you are romantic and sigh for you.
It still works here, more as a joke than anything. Like all Canadians live underground during the winter and Quebecers wear red plaid shirts and chop wood while swearing.
Don’t forget beards, maple syrup, beef scents, and “eh?”
I saw that soldier in the Paris Metro, sans gun. He was coming home from someplace, and I think he was glad.
The soldiers I saw weren’t glad. :C
I love this soooo much! I’m going to Paris next year, and am looking forward to more of your comics about it! You’re awesome! :)
Haha, thanks!
So true. On a battlefields trip with the school we stopped in a French town, one of my friends was amazed at the baguettes “EVERYONE HAS A BAGUETTE!” He ran around saying “Le baguette!” “Le croissant!” and “I shower with my brother” in French because they were the only things he knew how to say. We didn’t let him go into any shops with us.
But that’s the only french he needs to know!
Maybe the soldiers pretend they have normal hats and the normal people pretend they have machine guns. How violent!
I just noticed that Pierre-Luc’s filling out the trifecta with the striped mime shirt