April Fools
So I didn’t have time to think of a good prank for yesterday (unlike last year), so here’s the only April Fools anecdote I can remember from my youth.
Also, I found out last week that Boumeries is a nominee for Best Francophone Comic at the Expozine Awards! Expozine is a small press fair here in Montreal, and they reward the best books sold during the fair. I’m thrilled and honoured to be a finalist!
The way your brow and hairline are drawn in the first panel…You look like you have panties on your head! XD
You are destined to be some nice troll, heheh.
Dear Boum,
You are an inspiration to everyone everywhere, and we never want you to change.
♥The World♥
=DDD Seriously, You are awesome.
Ohmahgosh, no way. xD I just stared at that after I read this comment then went, “Whoa.”
Anecdote is such a cool word… But that’s beside the point! Great comic strip as always. I’m a big fan of your angelic facial expression XD I also like the fact that the guy has a semi-bowl cut… oh, the Nineties. Btw, why did it have to be a fish?
Congrats on being nominated for awesome stuff! Expozine sounds like a great concept :)
Oh! I never thought of that. In french, April Fools is called “Poisson d’avril” (April Fish). So, one of the most popular prank is to put a drawing of a fish on the back of people.
Hah!! It’s true!
Awww geeeeez <3 <3 <3
And he has a Tommy Hilfiger shirt. Nineties indeed.
Like Pierre-Luc said — the fish thing was the only prank they’d tell us about on April Fools, so for a while I believed it was the only thing April Fools was about. XD
Yeah, I noticed the “Hilfiger” on his shirt =)
Wow, I never knew that! This might sound stupid, but I feel that I’m learning new stuff all the time from reading webcomics (that goes especially for journal and autobio comics) :D It’s nice to know very specific language related/cultural differences like that.
It’s not stupid! Everyone is different. I’m also learning how different it is here than elsewhere, and I like it :)
I feel the same way! Plus, the people in comments are so curious, which helps! =3
ah, poisson d’avril! je l’ai oublie!
je voulais placer un poisson a une personne, mais j’ai oublie. mon pere me pose “what’s poisson d’avril?” parce qu’il a vu cette bande dessine. Je lui ai explique.
i probably sound like a three year old, oh goodness. i’m only in french 3 in school! D:
Are you kidding? I was reading this and I was like “Whoa, this person is a francophone and I never knew it!” Your French is great!
Congrats!! you deserve it =D!
Thank you!
That must have been his April fool’s joke =P
thank you so much! i was worried about whether or not to use imparfait or passe compose D: you made my day (which happens frequently, actually. your comics make me laugh whenever i feel blue) with that. :D
I mean it! :)
Protip: Being held back a year isn’t a good indication of intelligence and alertness. :D
True that :D