Small nitpick: It should probably say “It barely tastes like anything”.
Regarding the wine-by-the-glass: Their scientists were so preoccupied with the fact that they could, that they never considered the question of whether they should.
It’s hard to tell from your drawing if there’s any empty space but they could have pumped in some gas to act as a preservative. Also, if it’s a plastic container that might be chemically interacting with the wine- personally I always thought bottled water tasted “plasticy” but I admit I’m unclear on the science.
And of course the number-1 possibility is that they just used really really cheap wine that is, in fact, terrible. Probably also low in alcoholic content, too.
Small nitpick: It should probably say “It barely tastes like anything”.
Regarding the wine-by-the-glass: Their scientists were so preoccupied with the fact that they could, that they never considered the question of whether they should.
It’s hard to tell from your drawing if there’s any empty space but they could have pumped in some gas to act as a preservative. Also, if it’s a plastic container that might be chemically interacting with the wine- personally I always thought bottled water tasted “plasticy” but I admit I’m unclear on the science.
And of course the number-1 possibility is that they just used really really cheap wine that is, in fact, terrible. Probably also low in alcoholic content, too.
Oh, I knew it kinda didn’t sound right. Thanks!