(Voyage of the Little Mermaid is a very short show that rather badly summarizes the movie. It’s not very good, it’ll probably be replaced soon.)
(Voyage of the Little Mermaid is a very short show that rather badly summarizes the movie. It’s not very good, it’ll probably be replaced soon.)
Pretty sure the rides warn you about what stuff will occur in the show, maybe shoulda checked that before taking a small child in, my parents made the same mistake.
I’m pretty sure they’ve since replaced it with something Lilo & Stitch related, but I remember the old Alien Experience thing (it’s not exactly a ride) in Tomorrowland being absolutely terrifying for 8-year-old me. It honest-to-god gave me nightmares. Seriously, who thought it would be a good idea to splice an alien-monster-horror-murder-attraction into a Disney theme park?
Yeah, but Lilo & Stitch has now been shut down as well. Which is fine. Cool as the ride was, there was a part where Stitch eats a chili dog and “burps” it in your face. The sent spray for it was pretty nauseating. An whats worse, I’m tall so it hit me right under the nose and saturated my beard. It lingered for hours. All I could smell was that vile chili dog. It wasn’t until I go fed up and went to wash my beard in a restroom sink that I finally got some relief.
We knew what we were getting ourselves into (I had been in 2009). Honestly though, my kid is afraid of a lot of things but she always enjoys them afterwards, so we sometimes have to force her into it. Hell, she even rode on the Tower of Terror!
Omg I remember that hog dog burp smell.
I was like that when I was at Disney world, but because I have really bad anxiety, both social and general. I was so scared to be there, but once I got there, I had fun.
They sprayed stuff on people? Ye gods, haven’t they ever heard of life-threatening allergies?
It’s literally just water…
I share your trauma! I went as a teen (before I had my beard). Don’t know how that smell lingered so long, but soiled that day of the trip. Otherwise, most magical place on Earth!
Boum, I found your webcomic last year and it’s been a pleasure reading. Thanks for the laughs and for sharing all your experiences. Best wishes to your family.
Thank you, I’m glad you like my silly comics! :)
When I went as a child to the Lilo and Stitch version of the ride, it definitely scared me, despite my love for the movie; Stitch crawling around under the chairs was freaky.
My family and I went to Disneyland several years ago and agreed that all of the 3D/4D shows sucked, except for the Muppets one, because in the Muppets show you were poked, prodded, and squirted by a bunch of maniacs with no respect for your personal boundaries to enhance the experience of…being poked, prodded, and squirted by a bunch of maniacs with no respect for your personal boundaries.