Treasure Chests
I recently bought the first Breath of Fire for the Game Boy Advance, and as Capcom’s first RPG, it’s rather… um… clumsy. (Oh, and I’m totally aware I’m holding the N64 controller wrong. Oops.)
I recently bought the first Breath of Fire for the Game Boy Advance, and as Capcom’s first RPG, it’s rather… um… clumsy. (Oh, and I’m totally aware I’m holding the N64 controller wrong. Oops.)
Ce qui me fait rire dans les RPG, c’est à quel point le cambriolage est considéré comme normal.
Link apparait dans un village, entre dans une maison sans cogner et va voler toutes les possessions des habitants en pitchant les vases partout et en récupérant leur contenu une fois cassés et ce, souvent devant la face de la personne qui reste là.
J’ai une petite bédé à faire là-dessus d’ailleurs :B M’enfin, plus ou moins.
Bin, j’ai essayé de faire ça dans Fable et je me suis ramassé en prison…
Pis après ça y a les crinqués dans Breath of Fire qui te foutent en prison juste parce que tu entres dans la ville.
I’ve never played Breath of Fire. I’ve heard of it, though. Maybe Capcom should stick to Megaman and Resident Evil. XD
I’ve played the second one when I was a kid (I bought it too, can’t wait to start it), and I don’t remember it being so awful. There’s some good things in the first one, but the characters are boring (they don’t talk!) and the plot is meh.
Characters that don’t talk? There’s an RPG like that?! Stranger than strange…
Well they talk sometimes. But most of the time they should talk, they don’t. ¬_¬
Ok ive made my decision, im subscribing, this is awesome, keep it comin.
So if you ever want to see some interesting stuff about the bad translations in the Breath of Fire games I recommend you check out . There’s a lot of fascinating info about Japanese translations.
Also, I hope I don’t sound like a know it all if I mention that Capcom actually made three great RPGs prior to Breath of Fire. Sadly the only one that was released outside of Japan from that era was Destiny of an Emperor on the NES. If you have a NES it’s worth tracking down. It’s an RPG based on the Tenchi Wo Kurau manga which was itself an adaptation of the Chinese epic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There was even a sequel released in Japan that never left Japan sadly. Also of note was the Horror RPG Sweet Home which was based on the movie of the same name. Once again that was only released on the Famicom.
and to add to above the game that was the sweet home adaptation later became with some more adaptations to the concept became the original resident evil