She’d randomly stop by that shop and buy games she thought I’d enjoy. I have a huge collection of SNES RPGs now that are worth hundreds of dollars. Thanks mom!
Also! I’m leaving for a comics residency at the end of the month, so I need to make a lot of Boumeries in advance, but to do that, I need your help! I want you guys to ask me questions. They could be about anything. So far I got a lot of comic-related questions (which is my favourite comic artist? my favourite Boumerie so far? etc.), and honestly they would be pretty difficult to answer in comic form in a funny way. However, I will answer those questions too, probably on my Tumblr once October is over! So don’t worry, all questions are good ones so far.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions like “How did you first meet Pierre-Luc?” – “What’s your favourite meal?” and the like. Stuff you’d like to know or see in a comic. Silly stuff. Random stuff. Go!
And thanks!
How do you feel about fast food? Is it gross if you think about it too hard, or does it not matter as long as it’s yummy?
Did you ever take long car rides? How did you keep yourself entertained during those trips? Are there certain restaurants you’d frequent when you were little? Do you ever think of filling a bathtub with pudding or jello or perhaps something else? Did you ever imagine yourself as a particular super hero when you were young? Did you ever find bugs under rocks or burns ants with a magnifying glass? Perhaps I should stop asking so many questions before I reveal something about myself I might not want posted on the Internet =P
Who inspired you the most as a child?
what is your favorite toe? O.o
How about a comic series about different cultures – like what you know or think to know about other countries. I’m sure you have stereotypes about germans, russians, etc or even have been in Bolivia or Indonesia or anything.
Since I’m german, i would look forward for that =)
We all know about your bathroom nightmares, but what is your worst REAL LIFE bathroom experience?
hm how much do you look like your mom or dad or act like them. How do you think a kid of you and pier-luc would look like? Any toilet dreams lately? Any gaming going on? Any jealousy acts? Thoughts on the recent elections and shooting? reaction on weird comments or fans?
AH MAN, the elections and the shooting — I went to bed before the shooting happened. This is the weirdest and saddest morning.
Why all those questions ? Love your strip Boum, your mom has taste, she`s awesome :D
So I can answer through comics!
Hmm, maybe not the most thrilling question: Did or do your parents have special reactions when you live by your decisions? e.g. becoming a comic artist? I can’t remember a comic about parental absurdity right now.
here I come again, behold of my random questions! xD
do you like “the avengers?”
what’s your favorite animal?
what’s the weirdest situation you ever got in?
do you want to have kids one day?
how do you normally celebrate your birthday?
is there any haircolor you’d like to have, but it just doesn’t go with your tan/style?
if your life was a movie, what would be the title?
What was your girliest moment
What’s your take on pets – species, attitude, regrets?
What was the scarriest moment of your life?
Ever had that moment of clarity when everything just seemed to make sense all of a sudden?
…yeah, I’ll stop now. One more for the road, though: last person you’d expect to meet, say, tomorrow? :)
Did you ever want to play an instrument?
Tell us a roller skating or skateboard story!
Ritz crackers or cheezitz?
awesome? she is more than awesome.
also, why not make a comic of you based on your mom´s point of view? stuff you obviously cant remember, like when you were a baby
The best kind of awesome is the oblivious kind. =D
Have you ever had a pet besides a bunny/rabbit/hare?
Is there someone far away you still keep in touch with?
Is there something that makes you physically ill by looking at?
Have you ever wanted to be… -gasp- normal?!
If you were to be invited to a cannibal party, what dish would you be?
How many times do you orgasm in a typical love-making session? What is the progression like?
Haha! Nice try on that second question, but I won’t answer that, sorry. :P
Do you like Silence of the Lambs?
Favorite movie?
Hmmm – what have been your favourite Halloween costumes you’ve seen folks wear? (Since Halloween is comin’ up pretty soon)
And EarthBound was there eventually, right? :P
I can’t tell you how awful it is to hear of people buying EarthBound for 20 bucks or something these days. XD
Nope, unfortunately. I don’t own that game and now it’s waaaaay too expensive!
I have a Final Fantasy 2 for the SNES also still (+a still working SNES). My older brother played it quite a bite back in the day. I never really gotten into it that much though, I like fast-action oriented games like FPSs, Golden Eye for N46 was the bomb :)
Fun facts: SNES cartridges were, excepting some unreleased (or just unofficially released) oddities, made in very large numbers, making for poor collector’s items. But Final Fantasy 2 is arguably the most valuable of them all, close to Chrono Trigger.