(Let me explain)
There are no dangerous utensils on this side of the counter. Thing is, I never use that particular knife so it’s probably my parents, when they came over to cook us dinner, who used it and misplaced it. I didn’t notice. Then Margot found it and knew she shouldn’t have it so she gave it to me…
This one should be titled “How to give your Mom a Heart attack. “
Your kid looks a bit like the undertale protagonist with the knife….and I fear for your safety.
Reeh! Reeh! Reeh! Reeh! Reeh! Reeh! Reeh!
(the shower scene music from Psycho)
I felt that way the first time my daughter found a piece of broken glass on the playground… and PICKED IT UP to bring to me to throw away. o.O
Aw man!! those lucky saves!!
Dont worry, margot is a pacifist with a lot of DETERMINATION.
Yyyep. The instant I read the comic, I started hearing this.
Boum… save yourself.
Sharp kid you’ve got there…