Hourly Comic Day 2019
It’s on! Today is Hourly Comic Day, so I’ll be posting a comic every hour while I’m still standing! Come back often, it’s the best day of the year!
(It’s also this webcomic’s 8th birthday! Woohoo!)
[EDIT] That’s it for me! I hoped you liked it. My bed is calling me… rzzz
Discussion (10) ¬
Happy Birthday Boumeries! Try not to die Boum!
Happy Boumeries Birthday :) Love your comics to bits, even if I never comment. I’m always very happy to see a new one. Thank you <3
What she said!! +++
That was brilliant! Thanks for sharing so many years with us.
So i just found this comic maybe a week ago, and have spent each day since binging every single bit, and i am not dissapointed. Reading about your lives has been amazing and i cant wait for even more. Congrats Boum!
So many comics to read in a day, it’s like our birthday too!
Hurray! Glad you’re enjoying it!
Sooo… I kind of actively ignored any news about the new Gunnm adaptation. Your mentioning it made me look at the trailer and my reaction was similar to yours. It’s a shame they dropped the ball as bad on GitS, but hey… At least we (hopefully) get a good BAA movie. Now I wonder what they put in and that they leave out, there’s so much… but it looks like either they are going to cut the entire Bar Jack/Tuned arc or… I dunno, maybe sequels if this one does well?
Gunnm is, after GitS (and for reasons I won’t go into here), my favorite manga.
Gunnm was also my first manga love and I was so excited to see Battle Angel Alita in 3D that I cried during the opening shot of Tiphares (that’s what it was called in the original Dark Horse english adaptation and I have a hard time calling the floating city “Zerim”)