Getting Around by Boum on November 21, 2016 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips Not all babies end up crawling. (This one was much funnier in my head…) └ Tags: everyday life, flashbacks, parenthood
So you twerked your way to victory and Margot was the only normal baby of her family line XD
My baby (who is about the same age as Annette) does the same thing as her! She can’t seem to get her one foot out from under her but she manages okay.
I apparently crawled on one knee and one foot. Mom thinks it’s because I didn’t like our tile floor on my knees.
Hmm, what is that dot on your forehead? Was it some kind of birthmark?
It’s called a strawberry, it’s a red birthmark that disappears over time. By age 2 it was gone.
Oh I see! I never knew about that.
(About strawberry birthmarks that is)
We had a friend with a baby who rolled everywhere instead of crawling. He would spy out where he wanted to go, turn 90 degrees, roll, look to see where he ended up, and repeat. It was the oddest thing I’d ever seen!
Really throws the ol’ Riddle of the Sphynx for a loop.
My baby brother did that when he was crawling. We called it the “Wounded Soldier” crawl. Then he had not problem walking.
It’s so interesting to see your two children drawn so differently! They are both so cute!