Posts Tagged toilets
First to flush wins! [EDIT] I just finished working on the SHOP! You can now buy the book online! Tell all your family and friends!
My subconscious toilet obsession is beginning to spread out, now it tainted Paule — at least in my dreams, yo. Maybe you’ve noticed that the comics don’t look as good as they did in the beginning… I’d like to apologize[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m leaving for Seoul, South Korea this Sunday for the SICAF (an animation festival) where my film is in competition. However, the comic’ll be updated all week while I’m gone, so please keep checking! I just might be a little[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m very happy to present you today’s comic, brought to you by the incredibly funny and talented Madéleine Flores! You guys should seriously check out her site, her blog and follow her on Twitter — she makes everyday an awesome[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…