Windy by Boum on November 6, 2013 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips └ Tags: boyfriend, everyday life, parenthood
I feel I would react to this with horrified laughter. 8I
Her face in the last panel!
“I don’t give a frick!”
We were pretty hysterical honestly
“Carbonate” baby anyone?
she’s all “see you back at the house, Ripley!”
or a chocolate easter bunny in a spacesuit. :-)
She’s still Mint in the Box !!
hehe, Very funny strip. great job.
OMG, can she breathe?
We fixed it right away, don’t worry!
I read this while drinking OJ… As I raised it to my lips, I looked at the last panel again…
That was a CLOSE ONE!
“Damnit mom…” Lol I almost laughed out loud and hard too. Had to be quiet cause family is asleep.
I laugh every time I see that last panel.