I’d destroyed my previous gloves — all the fingertips were missing, and it was super handy until my mother decided she’d had enough of me looking like a hobo and bought me new gloves.
thats the problem, boogers are like ninjas, you cant see them, you can hardly feel them, but you know they are there, and when you less expect it… ATCHOO!!!, boogers all over the screen!! (true story)
It looks like you turned into a pug. The hat looks like the ears and the iPhone the muzzle. :P
They make special gloves that work on iThings, but you don’t need it.
I hear that the way it detects touch is by completing a circuit.
DONE! Thank you Google!
Hahahahha I love how you come up with awesome solutions to everyday problems. Hahahahahha! Thanks for the laughs!
True! OMG!
Yeah! Look what Kiriain posted!
I saw something similar on TV last week or something! I gotta do that. It’s too annoying.
It’s more like an act of desperation than an awesome solution, but hey! I’m glad! ;)
hahahahahaha i would’ve never thought of that!
Desperate measures!
This is why I wear gloves with the fingertips snipped off.
if you were some kind of super heroine, your powers would be the most odd ones .-. ………….
I’d destroyed my previous gloves — all the fingertips were missing, and it was super handy until my mother decided she’d had enough of me looking like a hobo and bought me new gloves.
I still haven’t spread boogers all over my phone yet, so all’s good…
LOVE! c’est tout!
Hihi! <3
Dude… I’ve totally done this before.. >_>
Knowing you exist, I am never alone in my weirdness. ;w; You are like the ultimate… ULTIMATE. 8D YES. Keep being Epic, for all us.
I use these ones!
I’ve used to do this all the time while doing yard work. XD
Awww thanks, sweetie!
thats the problem, boogers are like ninjas, you cant see them, you can hardly feel them, but you know they are there, and when you less expect it… ATCHOO!!!, boogers all over the screen!! (true story)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIfQTKBc72Y Un des segments exlique comme fonctionne un ipad/ipod : D
Ouiiii! Je l’ai vu! Hihi
I always try to do this but my nose rarely does the trick. Maybe I’ve got a synthetic nose? :o
It doesn’t work all the time… sometimes I have to press really hard for it to work. :P
GASP—I do this too!
That’s how I turn pages on my Kindle.