This one unfortunately isn’t as clear as I wanted it to be — in short, my trashcan was taking a stroll on our balcony. I don’t know if it reads through? What do you think?
This one unfortunately isn’t as clear as I wanted it to be — in short, my trashcan was taking a stroll on our balcony. I don’t know if it reads through? What do you think?
The comic makes sense with the explanation. But I thought you had a vibrating trash can.
My eyes got stuck on the third panel, since you show off your mohawk better here. Thanks for the explanation, otherwise I thought the ghost from your bathroom was messing with you by hiding in your trashcan XD. Also, I have seen you wear glasses in this comic before, but are they just for when you read?
I’m surprised, I’m usually really slow and I understood this! =O I also laughed, because I could totally imagine this. =3 My suggestion to make it clearer would be to add the trashcan partially in the second panel. Just so people get more of a feeling it’s moving?
Yeah, I only wear glasses when I work!
What Boywonderslover said, la poubelle à moitié dans la fenêtre dans la case 2. :) Mais sinon, c’est drole quand même!
you look cute in them :)
Without the explanation it kind of seems like your trash can is levitating. I don’t know why I assume you are not on the first floor, but that’s what I got from it.
Which is also cool/unnerving. =)
I live on the third floor, actually! And a levitating trashcan is even better than my initial joke.
Tant mieux, parce que là je file un peu paresseuse :P
LOLL Jla trouve très drole, surtout avec la fin “Windy day”.
D’accord avec Boywonderslover pour la poubelle, mais spa grave :p
Maybe you need speed lines.
Haha! This made me snicker :) I understood the point completely without any problems. Yes, the first three panels are a bit cryptic, but the fourth explains it all. Also, Boywonderslover’s suggestion seems like a good idea.
“yo sam, dont mind me, just passing by, being trashy and shit”
Lolz… XD you should be a stand-up comedian
I agree!
naah im good, i dont really make funny jokes too often.
I come back to this website every time, not only because Boum makes her comics exceptionally brilliant, but also because of the connection she has with her readers. I love what’s happening in the comments section here :)
Aww geeze! I love you guys!