“Some fashion thing” is a pretty accurate descriptor actually XD the current McDonald’s toy for girls is literally various fashion items like shoes and rings and shirts….but they have little faces on them making cutesy expression. It’s pretty much the worst.
I remember as a kid i wanted the boy toy instead of the girl toy because it was of my favorite characters and they look at me like i was weird. they could just shut it because i wanted dragon ball and not barbie. lol.
We knew she already liked Rabbids so the choice was obvious this time and your comment is invalid. And soon she’ll be able to tell us exactly what she wants.
Oh! But if she could actually phrase sentences and had chosen the fashion toy, it would’ve been fine as well, don’t get me wrong! She has plenty of dolls and such. Had she been a boy, I would’ve been fine with him picking the fashion toy as well.
I don’t know what either of these are. We tend to ask what each of the toys are and decide based on what we know our kids would like. Wendy’s has better toys–our favourite was a cd of Word Girl, which are fun. But anyway. I don’t see why McD’s can’t just ask “Would you like the doll, or the car”.
Whoops–my point being, been there, done that! In general though the McDs teens have never been surly about explaining what the toys were, to their credit.
the way you parent is the way i hope to parent when i do have a child, a lot of the strips i read i saw myself saying i would do the exact same thing, and already have for my niece and nephew. keep up the good work of letting your child take her own route in life!!
Do they actually say “boy toy” or “girl toy” now? Back when I worked at McDonald’s (feels like back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, these days) it was strict policy *not* to say “boy toy” or “girl toy”, but to actually mention the toy by name.
As a kid I never really noticed a gender difference in toys. I knew there was a pink aisle and a blue aisle, but in my head that never separated into ‘boy’ and ‘girl’. I liked both, and no one ever fussed about it, not my parents, not my friends, not their parents, so the whole argument concerning gendered toys has always been elusive to me. Although, yes, marketing does like to push pink and blue, in my childhood it was only ever a big deal if my family made it a big deal. Instead we just did our own thing, and no one ever seemed to care that I had a care bear next to a final fantasy plush, or that my room was a war zone for barbie vampires at play time, or that I had large video game posters under my dolphin mural. Toys were just whatever we made them to be.
Luckily they don’t really do the boy/girl toy thing in the UK Happy meals so my youngest son (3) the other day got a pony tail kit – two hair clips a mirror, a comb and a pot for them to go in. He had a wail of a time making his hair stick up, making faces in the mirror and annoying his brother by trying to sneakily comb his hair when he wasn’t looking. At his age I would have been replused by that pony tail set however. :)
You made a wise decision. Toy gendering is one of the most annoying things. -.-
Man though now I’m curious about what “some fashion thing” is actually.
But yeah there’s pretty much no way it’s better than a rabbid.
“Some fashion thing” is a pretty accurate descriptor actually XD the current McDonald’s toy for girls is literally various fashion items like shoes and rings and shirts….but they have little faces on them making cutesy expression. It’s pretty much the worst.
I don’t suppose you two could adopt me? I’m only three ….. Plus twenty :D I speak some French so we’re already off to a good start here.
Happy new year :)
bless you
Shoes and shirts? Are these doll clothes?
I remember as a kid i wanted the boy toy instead of the girl toy because it was of my favorite characters and they look at me like i was weird. they could just shut it because i wanted dragon ball and not barbie. lol.
We won’t let anyone else decide what you should like, and we’ll accomplish this by deciding on your behalf what you should like!
We knew she already liked Rabbids so the choice was obvious this time and your comment is invalid. And soon she’ll be able to tell us exactly what she wants.
My comment is invalid…. THIS TIME. Being a girl is funnnnnn
Oh! But if she could actually phrase sentences and had chosen the fashion toy, it would’ve been fine as well, don’t get me wrong! She has plenty of dolls and such. Had she been a boy, I would’ve been fine with him picking the fashion toy as well.
I just think toys shouldn’t be gendered.
Nope! They’re just hard plastic figurines of clothing, but with little cartoon faces. So weird.
I don’t know what either of these are. We tend to ask what each of the toys are and decide based on what we know our kids would like. Wendy’s has better toys–our favourite was a cd of Word Girl, which are fun. But anyway. I don’t see why McD’s can’t just ask “Would you like the doll, or the car”.
Whoops–my point being, been there, done that! In general though the McDs teens have never been surly about explaining what the toys were, to their credit.
the way you parent is the way i hope to parent when i do have a child, a lot of the strips i read i saw myself saying i would do the exact same thing, and already have for my niece and nephew. keep up the good work of letting your child take her own route in life!!
Creepy! And yet weirdly boring, too!
Do they actually say “boy toy” or “girl toy” now? Back when I worked at McDonald’s (feels like back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, these days) it was strict policy *not* to say “boy toy” or “girl toy”, but to actually mention the toy by name.
She did! Maybe the rules are different where I live. But I would’ve appreciated it if she just named the toys without assigning them a gender.
As a kid I never really noticed a gender difference in toys. I knew there was a pink aisle and a blue aisle, but in my head that never separated into ‘boy’ and ‘girl’. I liked both, and no one ever fussed about it, not my parents, not my friends, not their parents, so the whole argument concerning gendered toys has always been elusive to me. Although, yes, marketing does like to push pink and blue, in my childhood it was only ever a big deal if my family made it a big deal. Instead we just did our own thing, and no one ever seemed to care that I had a care bear next to a final fantasy plush, or that my room was a war zone for barbie vampires at play time, or that I had large video game posters under my dolphin mural. Toys were just whatever we made them to be.
That’s insanely inane. I demand more from my figures based on inanimate objects. At least Food Fighters had clever names for the characters.
Luckily they don’t really do the boy/girl toy thing in the UK Happy meals so my youngest son (3) the other day got a pony tail kit – two hair clips a mirror, a comb and a pot for them to go in. He had a wail of a time making his hair stick up, making faces in the mirror and annoying his brother by trying to sneakily comb his hair when he wasn’t looking. At his age I would have been replused by that pony tail set however. :)
They even attempted to make them…vaguely interactive maybe? Each set of two fashion items came with a shopping basket to put them in XD
They are called “Shopkins” and are actually collected by people of all genders :)
yeah. fashion’s stupid