My son did this exact same thing. Just stretched out, face down on the floor. He eventually moved on to a very operatic method, where he would put his face in his tiny hands, sobbing. Then he would stop for a second, look up with big, teary eyes and a huge lower lip, and then absolutely fling himself onto the floor or the stairs or the sofa, head on arms.
My brother would do this too. Just lie on the ground making all the noise. Mum would just leave him there ignoring him, walking over him as he usually did it in the kitchen. Eventually he would fall asleep in that position, so we would still leave him there as it’s best not to wake them up, in fear of another tantrum.
Wow its been a year? Time flies when you’re an adult!
Congratulations on turning one, Annette!
My son did this exact same thing. Just stretched out, face down on the floor. He eventually moved on to a very operatic method, where he would put his face in his tiny hands, sobbing. Then he would stop for a second, look up with big, teary eyes and a huge lower lip, and then absolutely fling himself onto the floor or the stairs or the sofa, head on arms.
My brother would do this too. Just lie on the ground making all the noise. Mum would just leave him there ignoring him, walking over him as he usually did it in the kitchen. Eventually he would fall asleep in that position, so we would still leave him there as it’s best not to wake them up, in fear of another tantrum.
I’m just so jealous of the awesome flexibility of little kids. Also, happy birthday Annette!
That proverbial 800-lb. gorilla’s got *NOTHIN’* on a temper-tantrum-prone kid…
wow c’était vraiment drôle..haha
I can’t help but feel envious of the incredible adaptability of young children. Additionally, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Annette!