The End
Well, this is it. The end of my webcomic, after nine years and two days.
That was a wild ride. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I started it, I had no plan, no real goal. Boumeries was an experiment at first, but it became my life for almost a decade. I got so good at writing down anecdotes in four panels that I’m sure I’ll have trouble getting rid of this habit.
But now it’s time to move on. Other comic projects have been waiting for me, and Boumeries has kept me too busy to go forward with them. So it’s not really the end, it’s just… a different chapter beginning.
So, what’s next?
The Boumeries omnibus (in French only, for now) will be published by Glénat Québec, and the first book will be coming out this spring, if all goes well. It’ll contain volumes 1, 2, and part of volume 3, all books that are out of print, so that will be nice. It’ll be hardcover and bigger and magnificent! Hopefully an English version will come soon.
I will be debuting Boumeries volume 10, the last book of the series, at this year’s Toronto Comic Arts Festival. This is actually what I’ll immediately work on next, because the cover is… ambitious.
When all of this is out of the way, I’ll finally be able to start real work on my next comic project. It’s a 200+ page graphic novel about young adulthood, independence and acceptance, and love. I’m excited and scared all at once!
I’ll keep this website up to date with my convention schedule and news when I can, but you’ll probably want to follow me elsewhere. I’m very active on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and I also have a Patreon that I’ll use as a work-in-progress blog for my graphic novel. I’ll be reposting old Boumeries strips on social media at a regular pace, for old times’ sake. I’ve calculated that if I repost five strips a week, I should be done in… six and a half years. ;)
So that’s it. Thanks to Cab for the colours on this final strip, and her help throughout the years. Thanks to Pierre-Luc, Margot and Annette for fueling this weird habit of mine, and for being in my life. Thank you, readers, for following me on this great adventure for nearly a decade. Thank you for the shared anecdotes, for commiserating, for the kind words. Thank you for buying my books, at a convention or otherwise. Thank you for supporting me and my little silly comics, and for making me realize that this is what I want to spend the rest of my days doing. You have changed my life.
Alright. Let’s make more comics!
Thank you Boum for sharing your life with us, so that we may laugh with you. This webcomic will always hold a place in my heart, and will never not be in my bookmarks. I wish you nothing but happiness for you and your family and I will continue to follow your career with great admiration.
Again, Thank you so much.
Sincerely, Matthew.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing so many stories with us! My kid and Margot are of similar ages, so there was a lot of relateable humor in here for me and I appreciated it a lot. Best of luck on what comes next!
Thank you for your years of creative work! It’s been an absolute pleasure experiencing these snippets of your weird, wonderful, relatable life. I followed your comic from the beginning, so many years ago now! I can’t tell you enough how much it’s brought my enjoyment to read your updates. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your future projects and I can’t thank you enough for the amount of time and effort you must have put into this. It’s a testament to you as a creative. All the best to your family you accrued along the way, what a journey!
I’m not great at wording things due to some mental issues, but I’ll go slow for myself.
I’m in tears. But they’re not sad. They’re happy. Even if this site doesn’t get updates anymore, I still hold your comic close to my heart. I’ve come to love your antics and everything. That being said, I hope that I could acquire the omnibus at some point all the way down here in Alabama, USA.
Thank you Boum and I love you. <3
Bye Boum! Thanks for all the laughs over the years. Take good care of that wacky man and those crazy munchkins of yours and I hope they take just as good care of you.
Thanks for doing this – I never commented but read your comics each time they were published, first thing when starting work, haha. Again, thank you for sharing this with us for so long!
Thank you Boum! It has been awesome to relate so much to someone on the other side of the big puddle. Before and after having children, many situatuions in my life have brought your comics to my mind, and often what I experienced was soon a strip in your comic. Your comic has been very skilful and funny, as you have fine-tuned the delivery of your jokes.
I, too, am a bit emotional starting my Monday with goodbye to a really good comic, and I hope I’ll get invested in your new projects too.
Bravo! Bravo et merci, et bonne chance!
Thank you for so many years of wonder. In the normalcy of your stories lies the magic.
I just woke up from a dream where Harry Potter was re-enacted by DUCKS
(And Boumeries was coming to an end or something)
The sucky half of it is true. :( :( *sob*
I’ve been reading your webcomic since I was in high school. I graduated with two degrees from university just yesterday.
Thank you for your comics, they made so many days of the week just that little bit brighter. You’ve made me laugh so much.
I hope I get to buy an English omnibus soon! I’ll follow your new projects too.
I hope you and your family have a lovely and bright future :)
I never commented much, but I read every strip. Thank you so much.
Oh my god!! That puts things in perspective. Congrats, and thank you for sticking around!!
I’ve been around for a good 7 years. You’ve been a part of my life for so long. A lot happened, and your comics were a constant moment of joy in it. Than you for everything. And good luck with everything.
Reading your comic day after day, was my morning routine! Seriously the first thing i was reading! I was hooked at first because i was having the weiredest toilet dreams,too!!Thank you so much and i hope one day I could have your books! I live in Athens, Greece you see…
Kisses and wish the best for your family!
Merci Sam! Ton humour de toilette va me manquer! Bonne chance dans tes aventures futures!
This has been an amazing series! I look forward to your new work!
Good luck! I’m so happy I started following this so many years ago. Look forward to seeing you at TCAF!
Thanks — I only started following this last year so it feels like it didn’t last very long (I binged the archives pretty quickly), as a parent I identify with a lot of it.
Thanks everybody <3
Thank you.
YOU have changed MY life!
So long and thanks for all the strips.
Congratulations on finishing this 9-year, 2-day endeavor. I’ve really enjoyed checking this comic over the years. Good luck with your future comics!
Thank you so much for sharing with us! I’ve been reading for a couple years, though i didn’t comment, but you made many of my days brighter.
Good luck on your next project!
So Long, and Thanks for All the Piss!
Thanks for your Journal Comic, Boum! It’s still difficult to process it’s ended. Whenever I felt like abandoning my Journal Comic I came here for inspiration. Thanks for that, and I wish you the best!
Oh dear. So now it ends.
I discovered your work in 2012, bought #1, featured you in my blog, never missed a strip and now am sad to see it go. But on the other hand I’m thrilled to hear that there is a graphic novel coming and hopefully a complete edition in english.
Thanks so much for all the laughs and the cozy feeling that came with every new story. Keep up the good work. Cheers from Germany!
Your storytelling is fantastic, and we’re lucky to have been able to access it in almost real-time as you were working on these anecdotes. I’m stupid and didn’t buy Boumeries 1, so you can bet I’ll be looking for that omnibus – and I’m pretty psyched to see how that 200+ page graphic novel will turn out!
Best of luck,
So long and thanks for all the fish!
I’ve been reading your webcomic for a very long time, since 2013 maybe?
It has brought me many many moments of joy through the years, thank you for that Boum! And also huge congratulations for creating so consistently for such a long time, it’s really a big achievement I think.
Good luck in your future projects!
Oh!!! I am so sad to see Boumeries end. I love this comic. It’s one of the few things I have faithfully followed for many years, and I look forward to it daily. My best wishes on your next voyage.
Thank you for all the fun over the years. I look forward to getting Boomeries vol 10 maybe at Montreal Comicon (We’ve got the rest of them…can’t skimp out on the last one!).
I look forward to your other projects.
I will miss this one though.
NOooOOOOOo!!! I finally find a good web-comic that makes me actually laugh out loud, and it ends yesterday!!! Figures…
I am sad, yet… looking forward to seeing your future works. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you and your family on a personal level over the past few days of power reading through your archives. It was a serious privilege to be allowed the view into your family that you’ve allowed us all to have.
Thank you :)
Much <3
Aaah, thank you!!
It was a lovely run Boum and I will keep the link and re read the archives most likely I always looked forward to your comics. Thank you.
It feels like more than the 9 years has passed by. I know I started reading back in 2011 or so while I was in college and jeeze, looking back, a lot has happened to me as well as you. It was and interesting part of my life to read up on your life too. I even got my girlfriend hooked on your comic. Thanks for the memories!
I’ve been a longtime reader, probably since before Margaret was born, and I can describe how amazing it feels to see this comic go on for so long, to such a great end. I started reading this comic in middle school! Crazy! And I’m out of college and with a job and a house now! You’ve always brought a smile to my face with every page Boum! I love you and your family! I really hope whatever the future has in store for you and your family, it will be as amazing and fulfilling as it was reading Boumeries.
Thank you for the adventures of life, your stories made me and probably many others feel like a small part in the family and I can never thank you enough for the laughs and inspiration many like you have brought to me, I hope your future projects are fruitful and have a wonderful morning, afternoon or night wherever you are! :)
I wasn’t going to comment initially but I feel as if I have to, so this is my first, last, and only comment, it seems.
I have been reading this webcomic for 6/7 years, and I just want to say: Thank you, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
Due to a currently untreatable neuropsychosis, I have no partner, and no kids of my own, so it was fun to read this, it would always cheer me up when I was lonely. It’s always sad to see something you love end, but I understand. I wish you and your family all the best in the future. Goodbye.
Thank you, and good luck.
Boumeries has taken me back so many times to a magical, frustrating, maddening, heartwrenching, wonderful time of Alex’s and my life. Thank you so very much for sharing everything with us. And congratulations — I can’t wait to see your next project!
ohhh ….
I was following you during so many years as a silent reader. It’s really pity you are stopping this web comic. I loved it.
I wish you a really god time in your new project works, I hope I will not miss it :-)
Found and started reading your web-comic when I was starting my higher education career. Since you uploaded thrice weekly, often your web-comic was my solace from stress and other drama. I loved coming home from class and seeing a new hilarious strip from you!
I’ll be watching out for any of your future endeavors. :)
Happy Birthday! Hope things are joyous~
Man, I miss this already…
Thanks for all the laughs and smiles, Boum.
And now to reread everything again for the fifth time!
I know I’m realty late to give my goodbye burn I’ve been reading Boumeries since I was in 4th grade. I’ll be starting 10th grade soon and wow has it been a journey. Out of all the webcomics I’ve read, Boumeries is the one that will always comes to mind first and I’ll check up on year after year. Thank you for your amazing comics!
This is unbelievable. Thank you!!!
Another comment of gratitude to add to the pile:
Thank you for sharing your life adventures in this fun, relatable format! I’ve been popping in every couple years since 2013 or so, always keen to catch up with what I’ve missed and always enjoying the little heartwarming bits of character in your lives. Thank you for letting strangers like me learn and laugh and grow alongside you and your family <3
Thank you for sticking around!!
Wow (looks back on how the comic ended before a huge thing happened[I’m looking at you covid!]) well look at that you were unknowingly incredibly convenient in your ending this comic. I can’t help but wondering what would have happened if you kept going on the comic with the lockdown and everything.
I *kinda* regret ending it right before a pandemic, to be honest! I’ve made a few quarantined comics that I posted to Patreon, and they’ll be in the omnibus. But I get a little FOMO out of it still.
I’m glad you’re still doing well and making comics, even if I don’t see them! ;)
I suppose it was for the best that the comic ended. Let’s make some comics!(I will continue to quote you on that to my friends)
I’m still making plenty of (other) comics! I have two full book scripts ready, I’m just waiting after publishers and such. Thanks for commenting, I’m still here, as you can see! ;)
I came back to say the same. you beat me to it!