Or come up with a zany phrase or two. Example holy sweet flying onion rings or oh my fudge cake. Works like a charm plus it gets to be a fun game after a while to increase vocabulary.
See I try my best not to swear my nieces and nephew or around my parents. But I do curse casually around my siblings and friends,so say I Just get done talking to my ex and one of my sister’s kids is around and something goes bad I’ll be like”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SONOVAHOOCHE” I’ll hold that “AH” for at least 3-9 seconds to make sure I don’t use a really bad curse.
Ahh Super Mario Maker… une vraie maladie chez-nous aussi ;-)
My oldest might have dropped a big fat f-bomb around age four. In my defense I was roundly pregnant and two weeks overdue.
It makes me wonder how you would react if you heard her say that in front of you.
She does!! But she never uses it in context. We’re really trying to get her mind off it.
Tell her she’s saying it wrong and say instead ‘oh shirt!’, works like a charm with my little niece.
That’s clever! I’ll keep it in mind when my nephew inevitably picks something up.
Or come up with a zany phrase or two. Example holy sweet flying onion rings or oh my fudge cake. Works like a charm plus it gets to be a fun game after a while to increase vocabulary.
See I try my best not to swear my nieces and nephew or around my parents. But I do curse casually around my siblings and friends,so say I Just get done talking to my ex and one of my sister’s kids is around and something goes bad I’ll be like”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SONOVAHOOCHE” I’ll hold that “AH” for at least 3-9 seconds to make sure I don’t use a really bad curse.
nice going bruh :/
I say “ah ship” but I don’t think that’s any better.
Ainsi commence l’histoire