Yep. So I sprained my ankle last week when I slipped on ice that was covered by a thin layer of fresh snow, all while carrying Margot in the baby carrier. I lay there for a while trying to find my cellphone, and a whole bunch of cars drove by without stopping. It sucked.
Thankfully, I had just left the house and Pierre-Luc was home, so he could come help me. And shortly after I could finally call him, two nice ladies stopped by, and then another gentleman offered to drive me back home. Turns out it’s not as bad as it could’ve been (it’s not my first time spraining my ankle), so I can kinda walk on it. I have to rest it as much as possible so it can heal faster, but at least I don’t have to be relying on crutches this time.
You poor thing. I hope that you recover quickly!
That’s Montreal for you.
Its crazy, two guys from my job broke something this winter on the ice… hope you’ll recover soon. take care.
Great that you can still walk! Hope you can get plenty of rest. I wonder what those drivers were thinking.
Poor you! :( Hope you recover quickly!
Aw Boum, I know your pain. When I was 17, I was stepping off of the school bus and my ankle gave out. The rest of the kids jumped out after me and left me sitting on the road (like 3 feet from the curb of the street) and the bus driver drove away. I was in shock and wasn’t able to ask for help when it happened. I dragged myself to the curb and grass and called my grandma and brother while crying because I couldn’t stand up. People drove by and even walked by me and no one helped. A nice Indian woman tried talking to me but she didn’t speak English. A police officer came by and told me to suck it up, that is was probably a sprain and that he “wasn’t allowed” to help me get up. Finally my brother came with a neighbor who drove me home (the bus stop was a couple blocks from my home). I ended up going to the hospital and found out I had broken my ankle. It’s horrible to be so hopeless and people ignore you like that.
The actual worse. I hope you get better soon :(
Oh geeze, I’m never complaining again :( That’s terrible.
dang that sucks