You can tell I’m Canadian because my milk comes in bags :D
Et, mes très chers lecteurs francophones, j’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que la version française du site est maintenant terminée et qu’elle sera mise à jour trois fois par semaine avec du nouveau contenu, en même temps que la version anglaise! Qui est-ce qui a envie de célébrer? :D :D
Are you making your comic digitally nowadays or still using ink?
Looks fine to me. My younger kids try to make their own chocolate milk and it becomes: ‘Would you like some milk with your chocolate powder?’
I do this same thing. Only with just about everything. “I’m watching my weight so I will only take one bite of chocolate” *fits half the bar into my mouth*
Still ink! This particular comic looks different because I was trying out a new pen.
But once a month I live stream the making of a comic and they’re all digital for that reason.
I thought that was a pitcher. I didn’t know canadian milk came in bags.
Ah, the benefits of being an adult.
The bunny on the chocolate mix box! Cute :)
The bags of milk thing isn’t a Western Canadian thing, milk only comes in cartons out there.
I didn’t know!
Wow, it looks smooth. What pen are you using?
It’s all written in Japanese, but it’s a disposable Zebra brush pen I bought on JetPens.com
Thanks to my appalling high-school French, I briefly thought you’d shut down (rather than just finished creating) the French version of the site. It’s bilingual archive-crawl time!
Haha! Good luck!
Milk bags (but also cartons) are in use in Estonia and various other countries. Others have pretty pictures on them though, Wikipedia leads me to believe yours are without markings? (wiki Milk bag)
Yep, they’re plain! That’s interesting!
The only times I’ve ever heard of these peculiar “milk bags” are in the context of Quebec, and always under the impression that the whole of Canada uses them. I did once hear that they once existed here in the west, too, long ago.
I have people thought I was lying when I said milk came in bags here. I am from the maritime’s but yeah apparently out west they don’t have them there..You get past Quebec and people think you are nuts.
It’s a bag in a pitcher. This is apparently how Canadians milk.