Jeez at her age I couldn’t even play Mario. I sucked so bad. And yet she is already that far? She is a gaming savant. She will be the best speed runner ever o_o
I always thought it was odd the time travel thing in Ocarina of Time. It is like the player just skip a piece of link’s life because he has different clothes and new piercings… But then, Link’s backpack is some kind of space-time reservoir, which exists in a parallel universe where the player can access and send items to Link. That is the only explanation to why do items Link gets as a child are not already in Adult Link backpack from the start. And that is the main plot on every Zelda games: Fill a magic backpack.
that’s awesome. once i get the recording device, im gonna record ocarina of time and buy some milk at lon lon ranch just so i can drink it 7 years later and post it on my youtube channel LOL
Jeez at her age I couldn’t even play Mario. I sucked so bad. And yet she is already that far? She is a gaming savant. She will be the best speed runner ever o_o
I always thought it was odd the time travel thing in Ocarina of Time. It is like the player just skip a piece of link’s life because he has different clothes and new piercings… But then, Link’s backpack is some kind of space-time reservoir, which exists in a parallel universe where the player can access and send items to Link. That is the only explanation to why do items Link gets as a child are not already in Adult Link backpack from the start. And that is the main plot on every Zelda games: Fill a magic backpack.
Mmm! Nothing like a cool refreshing glass of CHEESE, after hard days adventuring!
Oh no! She got some help, haha. She only walks around and breaks pots.
that’s awesome. once i get the recording device, im gonna record ocarina of time and buy some milk at lon lon ranch just so i can drink it 7 years later and post it on my youtube channel LOL
So she does 90% of the work already! Everyone knows walking around breaking pots is the true mission of all Zelda games.
Oh my god, Link’s face in panel 3 is killing me!