May I recommend the “cup and postcard” technique? Trap the spider in the cup and slide a postcard or something similar under it. Carry it to the nearest door or window and chuck that boy straight out there. Leave it to mother nature.
I feel the same way when that happens. I do my best help our arachnid friends out of the house, but they sometimes don’t want to leave because of how cozy they are.
Oh I know this technique! Except it’s winter now, and we don’t have a yard so I’d throw the spider out the balcony and into a parking lot. I don’t think it’d have a chance anyway.
I’m absolutely terrified of spiders, I always ask someone to get rid of them but most people in my house go straight for the kill… When I’m alone most I can do is kill it somehow or like…never go to that part of the house ever again.
really wish I could just leave them be, it’s not their fault I’m scared yet I can’t help my fear either
Really good that your daughter isn’t scared though!!
I think spiders and insects (may I note,that spiders are no insects?) might find little spots in the wall or something, where they can hibernate.
Or maybe you could set a wooden box with hay or litte woodpieces or something like that on the balcony. that could help, too.
and I know the trouble of catching a spider on the ceiling, sometimes with only one hand, so may I recommend something called “Snapy”, a little gadget which you can use onehanded to catch little animals.
Tell Annette, that i admire her compassion. The world needs caring people like her!
We also let the spiders stay :-) They’re not really bothering us: most of the time, the only “issue” is a big one who goes out of its hideout late at night to walk a bit in the living room. Since it’s been years, we assume it’s not the same one we’ve been seeing…
But we do have flies. I’m going to guess it’s because of the sheer amount that comes in anytime we open a window…We really should get window screens.
I have a spider living under the sink in my bathroom. I don’t have the heart to get rid of him, he just wants to keep to himself and live an adequate life. Am I doing it wrong? :(
They don’t know that you object to them. How is a spider supposed to understand personal property and the idea that you don’t like spiders? They don’t even have a frame of reference to understand that you’re a living thing with thoughts and emotions.
May I recommend the “cup and postcard” technique? Trap the spider in the cup and slide a postcard or something similar under it. Carry it to the nearest door or window and chuck that boy straight out there. Leave it to mother nature.
I feel the same way when that happens. I do my best help our arachnid friends out of the house, but they sometimes don’t want to leave because of how cozy they are.
Oh I know this technique! Except it’s winter now, and we don’t have a yard so I’d throw the spider out the balcony and into a parking lot. I don’t think it’d have a chance anyway.
I’m absolutely terrified of spiders, I always ask someone to get rid of them but most people in my house go straight for the kill… When I’m alone most I can do is kill it somehow or like…never go to that part of the house ever again.
really wish I could just leave them be, it’s not their fault I’m scared yet I can’t help my fear either
Really good that your daughter isn’t scared though!!
I know it’s lying to the kids (they’ll make the connection someday), but I still prefer to kick ’em out rather than kill them.
I think spiders and insects (may I note,that spiders are no insects?) might find little spots in the wall or something, where they can hibernate.
Or maybe you could set a wooden box with hay or litte woodpieces or something like that on the balcony. that could help, too.
and I know the trouble of catching a spider on the ceiling, sometimes with only one hand, so may I recommend something called “Snapy”, a little gadget which you can use onehanded to catch little animals.
Tell Annette, that i admire her compassion. The world needs caring people like her!
Love your comics!
Greetings from Germany!
I know that spiders aren’t insects! We don’t get a lot of them, I was referring to flies and wasps mostly, but what the heck. ;)
Fuck those spiders. If they get in my house they’re fair game.i smash them, flush them down the toilet and burn them with matches.
They have the entire world and they keep trying to live in my house.
We leave our spiders be. And, coincidentally or not, we don’t ever have flies in the house….unless we leave the door open in summer.
We also let the spiders stay :-) They’re not really bothering us: most of the time, the only “issue” is a big one who goes out of its hideout late at night to walk a bit in the living room. Since it’s been years, we assume it’s not the same one we’ve been seeing…
But we do have flies. I’m going to guess it’s because of the sheer amount that comes in anytime we open a window…We really should get window screens.
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be a know-it-all :-)
Oh no problem! Sorry if I sounded (read?) like I was offended!
I have a spider living under the sink in my bathroom. I don’t have the heart to get rid of him, he just wants to keep to himself and live an adequate life. Am I doing it wrong? :(
They don’t know that you object to them. How is a spider supposed to understand personal property and the idea that you don’t like spiders? They don’t even have a frame of reference to understand that you’re a living thing with thoughts and emotions.
Nope. He’ll help cut down on other bugs in your bathroom by eating them for you.
Yeah, we leave the spiders inside be, except when their webs block stuff. Then they get the bug catcher.
burn them with matches?? what are you, a serial killer? seriously, that’s not cool