I did much the same thing when I was about 4 years old — but with a charcoal grill. A month-and-a-half of excruciating pain and blisters later I’d learned my lesson…sort of. A few years I went through a bit of a firebug phase. Luckily it didn’t last too long or do *too* much damage. (Somewhere out there is a coffee table with a scorched screw-hole on the underside. If you came into possession of it, Sorry…)
I did the same when I was a toddler and I touched the hot iron for clothes when my mom wasn’t looking. Luckily it was only just heating up so it only hurt for a while and I learned my lesson!
When I was in second grade, it was my first time baking bread, so I was a bit scared. So when I was taking the bread out of the oven, my hands were shaking and I hit my arm right where the oven mit was not covering it. I got a third degree burn and I was afraid of ovens for a year after that. I still have the scar.
Sounds like my crew. Also one of the main reasons that I need to color my hair.
first soups are always a painful experience.
I did much the same thing when I was about 4 years old — but with a charcoal grill. A month-and-a-half of excruciating pain and blisters later I’d learned my lesson…sort of. A few years I went through a bit of a firebug phase. Luckily it didn’t last too long or do *too* much damage. (Somewhere out there is a coffee table with a scorched screw-hole on the underside. If you came into possession of it, Sorry…)
I did the same when I was a toddler and I touched the hot iron for clothes when my mom wasn’t looking. Luckily it was only just heating up so it only hurt for a while and I learned my lesson!
My brother had a very similar accident – “Don’t touch that! It’s hot!” *touch* “WAAAH!”
Mine was touching the hot clothes iron even though mom said not to.
Mine was making grilled cheese… It was burnt enough to leave a scar… For a while-_-
My heart broke a little on the last panel…
When I was in second grade, it was my first time baking bread, so I was a bit scared. So when I was taking the bread out of the oven, my hands were shaking and I hit my arm right where the oven mit was not covering it. I got a third degree burn and I was afraid of ovens for a year after that. I still have the scar.
Oops, sorry for that block of text.