This is me rocking at Skyward Sword, folks.
…Or maybe not. This kind of censorship is what might happen if the American Congress passes the internet censorship bill (SOPA and PIPA) on January 24th. I may be Canadian, but most of my readers are from the United States, and even if they weren’t, this must not happen — which is why I’m protesting now, and urging you to protest too.
Click here to protest against Internet Censorship in the US.
The comic will be back up at 8PM EST.
There you go, people — today’s comic is up. Thank you for your understanding! Now, without further ado: This is me rocking at Skyward Sword, folks.
Yeah, **’* ****** **** how many ***** are doing ********.
PS, **** *****, hehe.
If you’re not aware of SOPA / PIPA, there are articles on wikipedia here:
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA): | Protect IP Act (PIPA):
If you want a tl;dr version, go here.
If you want to know who supports, who opposes, and who receives money, go here.
If you want to make a difference, here’s what you can do:
1) Look up your congressperson or senator, and see if he/she supports or opposes.
2) Click the appropriate picture to pull up contact information.
3) Write a handwritten letter describing why you’re unhappy. This is the best way to get their attention.
4) If you don’t have time for that, call their office and politely but firmly express your complaint, specifically mentioning their support for SOPA (house of reps) or PIPA (senate).
Writen By: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
American, and sad the I can not read the comic ;-; -paws at computer screen- I work nights at a printing press and literally spent the past 4 hours looking forward to this. <3 How dare SOPA take over before it's even passed!
Obviously, Sopa’s a big meanie and spilled ink all over Sam’s lovely artwork. ;_;I know a lot of people, including myself, who have letters already written and are sending them today. =D
P.S. I love how even though it’s just black boxes, the comic still has some “shape” to it. xD
Thanks :)
Aw, I’m sorry about that! But I wanted to support the SOPA strike in my own way.
THANK YOU!! You’re the first not-made-in-the-U.S. website I’ve seen today to participate. Thank you for caring and for helping.
It was the least I could do! :)
My own small site has joined in.
Gaia online is protesting against sopa too! >:), they even made a SOPA parody item: A bar of SOPA (a soap that says sopa) and that covers your character´s mouth, im gonna protest by not eating any Soup! (sopa in spanish means soup, so this law is a soup, a very bad one).
Hahahaha no soup day
Right on, Sam. If the government’s trying to essentially stop the flow of ideas (most of which are copyrighted anyway), what’s the point of having the Internet anyway?
My thoughts exactly.
I love the timing of today’s comic! And props to you for supporting the protest against Internet Censorship.
Yay! Thanks for doing it too!
The interesting thing is that, being part of the Screen Composers’ Guild of Canada, you’d think my group would be all for SOPA because of copyrights and a lot of our customers coming from the States, but, nope! I was proud to see most if not all stood against SOPA! :) (It doesn’t take a genius to decipher the Big Brother implications, but still … the American Federation of Musicians is for SOPA, and that’s just damn scary)
There are other ways to fight piracy anyway… that don’t involve abusive censorship :C
One of the things I’ve noticed about American groups… They seem to be full of intelligent individuals who collectively are idiots. (Me included; I have to double-check what the groups I support, support.)
Can’t thank you enough for supporting the fight against SOPA and PIPA :)
In other news, Skyward Sword is awesome and I must buy my own copy!!!
This was a very clever – and good way – to show your support of the “blackout” your own way! :)
Thanks everyone :)