Xenogears is so good. Pierre-Luc had some trouble following at times (I did too, even if I’d played the whole game twice), but we agree that the storyline is the best.
Xenogears is so good. Pierre-Luc had some trouble following at times (I did too, even if I’d played the whole game twice), but we agree that the storyline is the best.
I’ve never even heard of Xenogears, so I kind of had the same face as Pierre-Luc! xD I think that makes the joke all the better for me, but I have nothing to compare this feeling of confusion to, say, feeling of knowing the game and understanding it completely. xD
Then again, I like playing games with simple story plots. Sly Cooper, Zelda… yeah, that’s about it. D=
It’s a very, very complex game — I think of all the video games I’ve played, it has the most complicated storyline. It’s so thick with details that at some point they have to make you stop playing and explain everything to you (like, two hours of text). It would’ve made a great TV series. :P
That was the face my hubby had when I tried to explain “Assassin’s Creed” to him. So I just made him play the third one. :D
lol, my sister´s face when i challenged to try and understand the story of some of my games.
I wonder if more or less people would like Xenogears if it were a series. Hahaha.
I didn’t know Assassin’s Creed had a complex storyline, that’s cool! I thought it was just bashing villains and stuff. :P
Nope, you have to go inside your own DNA and relive your ancestors’ lives for a lot of reasons. Plus there’s a computer problem, and jumping from very high places and implausibly landing safely in haystacks. :D
That oddly sounds like Xenogears, too. :P
ive been told i need to play this game. i still have my ps2… if i had a TV i’d probably get it
A PS2 and no TV? XD
yeah… long story
Yay! I LOVE Xenogears! I’ve played that game over and over so many times XD
Xenogears was the best game ever :D Was the first RPG I’ve ever played and I’ve played it through like forty times :D
To be fair, the last disc being mostly expostion was due to them running out of money.
All the Xeno games are like this. My favorite by far is the first Xenoblade Chronicles game. My friends and I spent 120 hours each finding everything in that game.
Things to know about me:
1. I met my husband because of Xenogears (we were the first people we met who had played it)
2. I literally had “Two Small of Pieces” played at my wedding
3. My husband and I have a modest collection of Xenogears merch including: Varying fan art, 2 Xenogears keychains (Fei and Citan), a Xenogears wallscroll, Fei and Elly figures, a music box from the 20th anniversary concert (I did not go to this as it was in Japan), and a copy of Perfect Works