I never lost shoes as a kid. But I have lost a shirt before. Don’t know how to this day. My school had a pool and I took swimming lessons to improve since we had a pool and I nearly drowned a couple of times. So there was a dressing room obviously and I somehow managed to lose my uniform shirt. Thankfully that day I was also wearing the uniform’s hoodie so I was able to go home relatively normal. Still don’t know how I lost that shirt!
This happened to me once at a party when I was like 22! As it turned out the girlfriend of the host had identical shoes in two sizes smaller than mine, and had drunkenly walked home in them not realizing they were much too big. I definitely noticed when my feet didn’t fit in my shoes, though! I had to shuffle home in the rain with just the front half of my feet in the things.
When I was like, 4 I guess, I had this awesome little Lion King… cylinder, vynil, thing? It had snap buttons up the side to close it. And I think a zipper on the circle on the end. Smallish item. And I put my favorite small toys in it, because that’s what I wanted to do.
Well, it was a tight fit. I got 2 out of 3 buttons snapped shut. The third one was a struggle. But it eventually clicked. My fingers hurt a little from pressing so hard. But, suddenly, the sides of my container were no longer bulging out. I hurriedly opened the container. It was almost empty, all that was left being a small, plastic circle frisby thing.
I have no idea what happened, and my mom I don’t think believed me. But I’m pretty sure that little lion king thing shuttled my favorite small toys off to another dimension, or, y’know, something. It was a confusing and saddening day for my young self.
When I was very young I lost a single shoe in our church. I found it again over 3 years later, under a couch.
I never lost shoes as a kid. But I have lost a shirt before. Don’t know how to this day. My school had a pool and I took swimming lessons to improve since we had a pool and I nearly drowned a couple of times. So there was a dressing room obviously and I somehow managed to lose my uniform shirt. Thankfully that day I was also wearing the uniform’s hoodie so I was able to go home relatively normal. Still don’t know how I lost that shirt!
I was half expecting the last panel to reveal that you actually had forgotten to put shoes on that day! XD
This happened to me once at a party when I was like 22! As it turned out the girlfriend of the host had identical shoes in two sizes smaller than mine, and had drunkenly walked home in them not realizing they were much too big. I definitely noticed when my feet didn’t fit in my shoes, though! I had to shuffle home in the rain with just the front half of my feet in the things.
I lost by brothers pet turtle. Put it on a skateboard in our room I rolled it across the room and it simply disappeared.
Holy what
The Ugly-shoe gnomes sometimes rescue people from the tyranny of ugly shoes in this manner. However, their sense of timing is not very well defined.
eric the devil took it
When I was like, 4 I guess, I had this awesome little Lion King… cylinder, vynil, thing? It had snap buttons up the side to close it. And I think a zipper on the circle on the end. Smallish item. And I put my favorite small toys in it, because that’s what I wanted to do.
Well, it was a tight fit. I got 2 out of 3 buttons snapped shut. The third one was a struggle. But it eventually clicked. My fingers hurt a little from pressing so hard. But, suddenly, the sides of my container were no longer bulging out. I hurriedly opened the container. It was almost empty, all that was left being a small, plastic circle frisby thing.
I have no idea what happened, and my mom I don’t think believed me. But I’m pretty sure that little lion king thing shuttled my favorite small toys off to another dimension, or, y’know, something. It was a confusing and saddening day for my young self.