Actually, I just remembered he waved goodbye as he left and a bunch of people waved back. I’m not sure what to think of this…
Actually, I just remembered he waved goodbye as he left and a bunch of people waved back. I’m not sure what to think of this…
What does it say on the first panel, all I can make out is: “DUMORRR KING SIZE” :D
What the…?!
He says “Dumorier King Size”:
It’s a brand of cigarettes. I had spelled it wrong, too. Thanks you guys!
I don’t know, you tell me!
It is spelled DuMaurier, tho.
Ouais, je l’ai corrigé.
I… don’t quite understand? Did he try to steal the sandwiches?
Yes he bought the cheap cigs, then took the sandwiches and drinks for free I assume.
Yep, well actually he didn’t just try: he bought cigarettes and asked for a bag, which he then filled with food, and left.
free sammiches on the purchase of cigs, makes perfect sense.
i would have kicked him tho.
I suspect if anyone asks him–or the store manager–what was going on, there will be squinted eyes and deep voices saying, “We have an… agreeeeeeeeeement….” and then there would be running and shooting and–Oh, it’s another James Bond movie! Carry on, then.
My mom works at a store where people frequently buy the cheapest thing, and try to pay with counterfeit $100 bills to get change. She knows how that shopkeeper feels.