Thanks to my weird face anatomy, I guess
Also! This week is the Rendez-vous BD de Gatineau and I’ll be there, all the time, at my own booth! It’s during the Salon du livre de l’Outaouais. It’s from February 23 to 26, check it out if you’re in the area!
Maybe try blowing your nose into your napkin? Seems to work for me.. Or I just have very nice lunch peeps?
Perhaps you are eating wrongly. Try not to talk while eating or wet the food before swallowing. At least it works for me. My nose was once the breeding ground for stray grains of rice. :-P
That’s what I ended up doing!
That happened to me a few times, but it was because I was kind of choking, and I stated to cough and just lodged itself in the back of my nose, a quick nose blow sorts it out real quick!