I read too much Tintin.
Some news: I will be at the Grand marché de Mercier-Ouest en fête, this Saturday December 3rd from 10AM to 3PM! I’ll be selling the usual: books, buttons, magnets, stickers… It’s the last time this year where you can buy my books in person (signed and all). Come and shop for Christmas gifts? It’s at 3100 Arcand street, in Montreal!
See? This is why everyone needs to play Metal Gear. You need Snake training for kids like that!
You should have a checkbox for parents to check “been there”, because I have had exactly this problem, found exactly this solution, and had this very same thought.
Are they still making new Tintin stories? Oh, and you ever see the movie? That thing was flipping awesome.
Oh no, well, no comics at least. The author passed away a looong time ago.
The way I always did it with my niece and nephew was to approach openly, grinning like an uncle, and at first dabbing with the hankie saying something daft like “booBooBooBooBoooo!” Then a quick wipe, and the kid grins back. Mums always look business-like and worried when they wipe babies’ noses, which is why babies don’t like it.
I agree about Tintin – awesome!
I can’t pretend I never felt the same way. I’m lucky, at least, because for now, my kids are pretty amenable to having their noses wiped, and even have some rudimentary understanding of blowing.