This comic is number 1,300!!

Also, I’m starting this week what I call my Pan-Canadian tour: starting Friday, I’ll be at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF), next week I’ll be in Vancouver for the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VanCAF), the week after that I’ll be at the Montreal Comic Arts Festival (MCAF/FBDM). I’ll probably be completely exhausted but happy!! Come and see me!

First: TCAF!! It’s this weekend, May 12-13. I’ll be sitting at my publisher’s table, Soaring Penguin Press, table 121 on the ground floor! Have a look at the floor plan for my signing hours and panel information! My books (including Boumeries volume 8!!) will be available even if I’m not at the table, but you’ll have to meet me in person to buy stickers. See you there!!