I hear ya Boum I love milk too. I kid you not one summer when I was 11 or 12 I literally drank a gallon a day. Now I was this giant freak kid cause at that point I was already 6ft tall but cause of how big I was and all the milk I had developed a type of arthritis in my lower spine. That is a true story and I can’t help to laugh at it.
You’re a kindred spirit to my little sister! For a while back in elementary school, we called her a chocolate-milk-aterian because she drank so much.
At this point, with a total of five teens and adults in the house, we go through a gallon or two a week. Back then, with two little kids and two adults drinking milk (my other younger sister had a milk allergy that she eventually grew out of) my mom was buying five to eight gallons every week. So, she was drinking over half a gallon every day, sometimes as much as a gallon. And she was probably not even half the size of six-foot-tall you, even assuming you were super skinny.
And actually, it’s even more ridiculous than that, isn’t it? Part of our consumption now is milk that goes into recipes (pancakes, mac and cheese, etc.) but it wasn’t back then because of the other sister’s milk allergy; we used rice milk or didn’t make the things at all. So, that much more milk usage that can be attributed to the chocolate-milk-aterian! Wow…
No women no kids
Got milk?
the leche leech
I hear ya Boum I love milk too. I kid you not one summer when I was 11 or 12 I literally drank a gallon a day. Now I was this giant freak kid cause at that point I was already 6ft tall but cause of how big I was and all the milk I had developed a type of arthritis in my lower spine. That is a true story and I can’t help to laugh at it.
Blech. Coconut milk is so much better.
After my mom got dairy goats we ave produced more milk than we know what to do with.
You’re a kindred spirit to my little sister! For a while back in elementary school, we called her a chocolate-milk-aterian because she drank so much.
At this point, with a total of five teens and adults in the house, we go through a gallon or two a week. Back then, with two little kids and two adults drinking milk (my other younger sister had a milk allergy that she eventually grew out of) my mom was buying five to eight gallons every week. So, she was drinking over half a gallon every day, sometimes as much as a gallon. And she was probably not even half the size of six-foot-tall you, even assuming you were super skinny.
And actually, it’s even more ridiculous than that, isn’t it? Part of our consumption now is milk that goes into recipes (pancakes, mac and cheese, etc.) but it wasn’t back then because of the other sister’s milk allergy; we used rice milk or didn’t make the things at all. So, that much more milk usage that can be attributed to the chocolate-milk-aterian! Wow…