i sleep on my belly so i’m concerned (but not much, too young for babies, i’m just acknowledging that this is gonna happen eventually)… you can’t sleep on your back like, because something hurts, or is just what doctors say? (you can guess from now on what i think about doctors)…
It doesn’t hurt (although your back does get stiff), but it’s because your growing uterus puts pressure on a major vein in your back, cutting blood flow to your legs and the baby. It’s highly recommended not to sleep on your back because of that, but only when you start getting bigger.
I sleep on my left side and have always done it, but now that I’m pregnant, it’s so painful. I toss and turn all night. I can only get comfortable on my back, but I can’t ever stay there long ( due to the vein issue). Sigh.
I’m right there with you, girl.
I’m impressed you’re only sleeping with one pillow. By the end of my pregnancy, I was sleeping on an enormous mountain of pillows. My husband hated it, because every time I moved, I had to shift all of them around to get comfortable again.
Its a normal pregnancy symptom! But yeah, I can understand your frustration. Your new girl (you decided a name yet or are you keeping us surprised?) likely will hate to sleep in the position you’re sleeping in that makes her kick. Its very common for your tastes change just because of the baby, only to go back to normal after they are born.
Hi, please tell me I’m not crazy.. Buuut didn’t you have a Web comic many years ago, like this one, but from before you met Pierre-Luc? And then you stopped making it? It was a sad day..
i sleep on my belly so i’m concerned (but not much, too young for babies, i’m just acknowledging that this is gonna happen eventually)… you can’t sleep on your back like, because something hurts, or is just what doctors say? (you can guess from now on what i think about doctors)…
It doesn’t hurt (although your back does get stiff), but it’s because your growing uterus puts pressure on a major vein in your back, cutting blood flow to your legs and the baby. It’s highly recommended not to sleep on your back because of that, but only when you start getting bigger.
I sleep on my left side and have always done it, but now that I’m pregnant, it’s so painful. I toss and turn all night. I can only get comfortable on my back, but I can’t ever stay there long ( due to the vein issue). Sigh.
I’m right there with you, girl.
Is pregnancy just a giant endurance test? Like, mother nature wants to see how much you really want this?
HAHAHA I love this
In our experience, you will forget all of this after a year or two. Then you’ll be all, “Hey, wouldn’t it be great to have ANOTHER baby?”
I’m impressed you’re only sleeping with one pillow. By the end of my pregnancy, I was sleeping on an enormous mountain of pillows. My husband hated it, because every time I moved, I had to shift all of them around to get comfortable again.
Its a normal pregnancy symptom! But yeah, I can understand your frustration. Your new girl (you decided a name yet or are you keeping us surprised?) likely will hate to sleep in the position you’re sleeping in that makes her kick. Its very common for your tastes change just because of the baby, only to go back to normal after they are born.
Hi, please tell me I’m not crazy.. Buuut didn’t you have a Web comic many years ago, like this one, but from before you met Pierre-Luc? And then you stopped making it? It was a sad day..
Oh, extra pillows are just not pictured. X(
We haven’t decided on a name yet!
Boumeries is my first ‘serious’ webcomic — I had a couple tries at making sequential art before but I think you’re mistaken.