Alright, so this one is a little late, but I wanted to get it out of my system anyway. I guess the London Olympics Closing Ceremony is still relatively fresh in people’s minds?
Guys, it’s TODAY! I will be at the Montreal Comiccon this weekend (September 14th-16th), sharing a table with my long-time buddy Cab! Booth 1514! Come and say hello!

i know i’m totally late with this but i’ve been so caught up with school and work and moving stress but
congrats on being at montreal comicon and for your baby (oh my god what’s going through pierre-luc’s head?) and for being awesome. your baby is going to be the coolest, most artistic and ear-pierced child. and it’ll probably dream of toilets like you.
i would give you a hug but i don’t know you personally :(
Nope, pretty much skipped the whole Olympics.
(I’m boycotting until they televise TaeKwonDo again!)
I love this song. @w@ … now it’s gonna be stuck in my head all day. =-= Oh, well, totally worth it for the hilarity of your comic, Boum. x3
Dammit now its stuck in my head too! >:(
Still an awesome song!
Thanks! I’d take a virtual hug, still. ;)
That’s a good reason!
Buh, I know the feeling on this one.
…Reminds me of the time when I had the Finnish version of the song Belle from Beauty And The Beast stuck in my head so bad I actually woke up from a dream because I was hearing it so loudly in my head. It was there all day!
no wait, it was the song Something There, not Belle. Aaanyhooo xD
Wait wait wait!
I just googled the Spice Girls performance… ok Jim, take a breath… London just had the Olympics, wow, and a closing ceremony in fucking 2012 – and what do they do? Let the Spice Girls sing their 16 year old song “Wannabe”, which was totally whack since the day it came out? Is that what Britain can provide in 2012?? Oh my gosh, this is so pathetic…
Great Britain, I’ll kick your ass for this when i come end of September!
I have to add: We germans suck even harder – there is this famous Teen-Mag called “Bravo”, which started a casting for the german Spice Girls – you already looking forward in annoyance? There you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2PvDE9UlU4
Oh shit this is so bad…
Greetings from the Ashamed Nation of Germany
I heard it EVERYWHERE when I was in high school!
I feel your pain. That song is unbelievably catchy.
=.= am i gonna have to stop reading this now?
Hahahaha I thought the ceremonies were pretty lame, to be honest :C
We had a band here called “Baby Spice”, which was just a preteen version of the Spice Girls singing really dumb things in French.
:( ? (I hate that song too)
I didn’t watch a single second of the whole Olympics this year – except for the awkward Spice Girls performance =D
“I wanna be a doctor … maybe a race car driver… lalala lalaaa”
I only hear the computer singing… *sob* this is so bad, hahaha…
and thats why i didnt see the olympics at all
Is it weird that I read this as though I was listening to it?
I’ve started using the theme from Gilligan’s Island to push any other song out of the head. It’s got enough sticking power to get rid of something annoying like – Seasons in the Sun – but – not enough to stay there for long…
Oh for heaven’s sake! That song’s back in my head again!
Now I gotta go watch the Hillywood Doctor Who parody again to drive it out.
Fun fact: That song is scientifically proven to be the easiest song to get stuck in your head. At least in English, not sure if the study covered other languages.