Hahaha my friend’s mom made a test with her youngest son and breast fed him until he would stop by himself. She stopped him when he was 4 and just came in public places lifting her shirt for food haha
My mum breastfed me long enough that she had to put in a rule that she wouldn’t do it while I was on my primary school’s grounds. It had to be enforced.
So I stopped getting breastfed at either four or five years old.
Mum also likes to repeat a story about how, when I was a toddler and couldn’t say “breastfeed”, I would ask her for a “betheed”.
There were times when she’d breastfeed me with one boob, and my sister (3 years younger) with the other.
My mum did something similar with me, though the end was different. I was about five, decided I didn’t like the taste of breastmilk anymore, and informed her of this fact.
Have you seen Game of Thrones? The breast feeding scene from the Aerie is messed up!
No I haven’t!… I’m gonna ask Pierre-Luc about it…
Not nearly as extreme, but during a family photography gig I witnessed a mom nursing two year old.
Let me say that again, TWO YEARS OLD!
A full set of teeth then you must quit the teet, I always say.
Good for them, but to me, if the kid can verbally ask for milk, it’s too weird.
Hahaha my friend’s mom made a test with her youngest son and breast fed him until he would stop by himself. She stopped him when he was 4 and just came in public places lifting her shirt for food haha
*insert cheesy “Milking it for all it’s worth” joke here*
The World Health Org recommends breastfeeding to 2 years of age: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD001141.pub4/abstract My sense is Americans give formula more often, or the Moms nurse in private.
your dreams just keep getting weirder XD
c’est bizarre très bizarre que la mère est werid
My mum breastfed me long enough that she had to put in a rule that she wouldn’t do it while I was on my primary school’s grounds. It had to be enforced.
So I stopped getting breastfed at either four or five years old.
Mum also likes to repeat a story about how, when I was a toddler and couldn’t say “breastfeed”, I would ask her for a “betheed”.
There were times when she’d breastfeed me with one boob, and my sister (3 years younger) with the other.
My mum did something similar with me, though the end was different. I was about five, decided I didn’t like the taste of breastmilk anymore, and informed her of this fact.