I work with children part time, and Boum, you need to be prepared for this to a part of your regular reality. DressesAreStupid’s “too quiet” line is a fact.
Sleeping, peaceful infants are wonderful because they’re not constantly making all the noises I hate. But on the other hand, a quiet baby could be a SIDS baby, which is infinitely more terrible.
That must be kinda scary…
“It’s so quiet”
“Too quiet… “
I work with children part time, and Boum, you need to be prepared for this to a part of your regular reality. DressesAreStupid’s “too quiet” line is a fact.
We had to move our baby into her crib at just 3weeks. She was sleeping all night, but her constant noises were keeping us up alllllll niiiiiiignt!!!
When Antoine started to wake up past 5 A.M we’d wake up at 8 rushing into his room worried sick that he’d gotten the SID!
Sleeping, peaceful infants are wonderful because they’re not constantly making all the noises I hate. But on the other hand, a quiet baby could be a SIDS baby, which is infinitely more terrible.