And this concludes the series about our trip to Toronto. Regular comics resume on Wednesday!
Did you notice something new in the menu bar above? There is now a FRENCH VERSION OF THE SITE! I’m excited, guys. J’espère qu’il vous plaira!
i think that’s just another barrier between english and french. was she speaking english? because around here, it’s normal to call a baby “mama” or “mommy”. and “good night” was just another way of saying “have a nice nap” or such.
i don’t know. i think i sound kind of pretentious here.
I think she was trying to imitate Margot saying that to you.
Really? I didn’t know that! She was speaking English. Well whaddaya know! That’s another reason why drawing this comic is cool, I get to learn stuff like this all the time :)
I think it’s a Hispanic thing to call little ones “Mami.” Both my girls have gotten it many times over the years, when someone would speak cutely to them in Spanish, calling them “Mami.”
Where do you call a baby mommy? We don’t in England, so is it just a Canadian English thing, or do they also do it in America?
In Farsi sometimes mothers call their children mommy… But not strangers!!! :)))
I’d like to know, too!
That’s totally plausible!
Its an American thing most of our Spanish people call little girls mama mommy or Molly.
Even Margot’s looking like, “What the hell was that?”
Is it possible she was hispanic? I’ve heard hispanics refer to children or loved ones as “mami” which sounds a lot like mommy.
J’ai aussi découvert qu’en Turquie on appelle les fillettes “annecim” (maman chérie) et les garçons “babacim” (papa chéri) ce qui serait un équivalent de nos “cocotte” et “coco”… :)
Thats really intersting! I was about to say that here in mexico we do call little girls and boys “mama or dady” respectively (i’ve never really thought about it until now since it was so normal)
I was going to say that, with “goodnight” meaning “sleep time now”.
American here. I’ve never heard this before. The goodnight however makes sense, you say that when wishing someone a s good sleep
I speak English and I still didn’t know that it’s normal to call babies “mama” or “mommy”.