Hard to blame her, I do similar things to this day. “Wow, that was great! I want some more!” Then I take maybe two bites and realize that no, one was enough.
When a tot’s tummy is full, verbalisation and social interaction take priority over dull things like “fact”, “I’m already full” or even “honesty”. After all, she couldn’t say “done” and push away an empty plate like a big girl, could she?
My daughter (about the same age) likes to ask for multiple bowls of cereal for breakfast and then not even pretend to eat one of them.
Hard to blame her, I do similar things to this day. “Wow, that was great! I want some more!” Then I take maybe two bites and realize that no, one was enough.
But she didn’t take any bite out of the new batch of banana!
At least she is polite Boum. Then again you Canadians are the citizens of the land of niceness and rainbows….and metric tons of snow.
When a tot’s tummy is full, verbalisation and social interaction take priority over dull things like “fact”, “I’m already full” or even “honesty”. After all, she couldn’t say “done” and push away an empty plate like a big girl, could she?
That just means she figured it out faster than I do! :P
(I don’t try to understand toddlers, just come up with silly explanations.)
Raph that’s racist…now if you don’t mind I gotta go hop on a giant bald eagle, eat cheese burgers and shoot off guns.
My nephew eats like a horse I have to cut him off sometimes. Actually same with my nieces too upon retrospect.