So prior to that, Margot always thought that everyone was going to bed at the same time in the household. Now she knows what injustice is.
So prior to that, Margot always thought that everyone was going to bed at the same time in the household. Now she knows what injustice is.
They put you through the grinder all day and still find it indignant that they still have to go to bed first. Beautiful.
And I spot Cappy. How you liking that switch?
I haven’t played it really, I’m too busy working these days… Pierre-Luc has been enjoying it a lot!
Oh goodness thats funny and terrible at the same time! How could you be so inconsiderate to her! Lol!
When I was growing up we just naturally kind of assumed that adults NEVER slept. Mostly this was reinforced by the fact that my Grandmother probably slept while we were at school and then stayed up all night watching TV and reading. My parents were always exhausted after their days at work. Dad usually went to bed before we did. Now it’s Mom who apparently stays up all night watching TV while Dad writes his novel. Adulthood can be pretty awesome, but sometimes the nights feel kind of lonely no?
Although, Mario with a loved one definitely helps with the loneliness
I live in fear of the day my kid makes this discovery.