If I could be assured of having a kid like that, I might consider having one. But I’m too terrified that, after hearing about the awesome kids of people I know, mine would turn out to be the exact opposite. It’s easier to just visit other people’s awesome kids. :P
It would be cute, but I know how slobbery baby mouths are.
Margot is actually not so bad! She’s not a drooly kisser.
(That sounded weird.)
I cannot un-see the second face that woman has. If you look at it just right it looks as if she has a second face looking to the left.
So she’s neat and orderly all around? Sounds like you won the baby lottery :D
We call her our “baby for dummies”. She also loves her sleep so much that she actually asks us to go to bed.
Dang. Can you bring her back in time and send her to the daycare I used to work at? And maybe clone her 16 times while you’re at it?
Haha! <3
If I could be assured of having a kid like that, I might consider having one. But I’m too terrified that, after hearing about the awesome kids of people I know, mine would turn out to be the exact opposite. It’s easier to just visit other people’s awesome kids. :P
Oh, god. I see it. O.o
Awwwww omg