I tried a new inking style for this one, what do you guys think? Yea or nay?
(Also, it’s the teacher in that Photoshop comic!)
I tried a new inking style for this one, what do you guys think? Yea or nay?
(Also, it’s the teacher in that Photoshop comic!)
Hah hah :P
Innovation is always a good thing, Boum.
Hahahah! Well at least she didnt say anything about your drawing style… Right? Or anything bad that you had done.
Next line is, “She’s pregnant now.”
I’m not sure which inking style I’d prefer. I tend to resist change when it comes to looks. I’d say go back and forth and experiment, that’s part of learning, right?
Personally, I like the old style. It had more character, this one looks too clean and thin for that minimalistic style you have. The old lines go from fat to thin and it looks good when there is a lot of negative space, you know?
But draw the comic however you want, I’m still a huge fan :)
I personally like both styles of drawing. This one is ‘cleaner’ but the other one has a sort of nice ‘slobby’ style. (not in a bad way!!!)
Haha wow that’s so funny. I wonder what my old art teacher will say.
That’s… a strange thing to say! XD I think I never noticed your sister have a birthmark (mole? D= sorry) on her upper lip, too! I love the other inking style, it seems so much more natural~<3 I love traditional art! However, for future reference, if this inking is faster or easier for you, I wouldn't mind it at all! =3 (It looks so perfect, though! Did it actually take longer?)
I might just do that. :)
Thanks for the input! I agree with you. I think the pen I used is a bit too thin for the style, it might just work better with a thicker felt. I’ll see. (It’s just that it’s so much easier to clean than the brush pen, haha)
My sister actually has a Monroe piercing! So yeah, no mole/beauty mark there. But my comics are so small, I can’t really detail it and make it different than my own mole/beauty mark ;)
All of Boumeries’ inking except last October is drawn traditionally! It’s just that my brush pen is not as precise anymore, but it’s still in good shape and I was thinking maybe switching to a normal felt pen to see how it goes. It takes the same amount of time.
Your reaction is without equal! Nice touch on the speech bubble in the last panel. I also looked at the Photoshop comic… I can only imagine the frustration you had to face!
I like the regular style, BUT I’m also liking the new style with thinner lines. It’s certainly different from the heavier brush pen strokes… Deciding whether to use line weight and such is also something I personally struggle with, so yeah. Such a dilemma!
I definitely agree!
I kinda like the new drawing style. . . that’s it. it looks better
I like both styles! :) Your style reminds me of a combination of the “Madeline” books by Ludwig Bemelmans, and “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. :)
Wow, that is so flattering! Thank you!
I bumped into my old kindergarten teacher twice at the pharmacy years ago, but the first time we saw each other, she was very obviously carrying a drug testing kit (mandatory for teachers every few years or so, I recognised the shape of the things in the bag because my mum applied to a lot of nursing home jobs that needed that) and so we just… stayed back. Second time, I saw her at the same pharmacy in line and she says she remembered me as argumentative and defiant. My mum told her I hadn’t changed. :P