Ice Cream
Big news today:
So. It’s been on my mind for months now, and the time has come to finally say it out loud, even though it’s not easy and it’s kind of a big deal for me: I have decided to end my webcomic Boumeries in February 2020.
It’s kind of heartbreaking, but there are a lot of reasons behind it. Come next spring I’ll be releasing Boumeries volume 10, which is a nice round number, and a great milestone. I feel like it’s a nice accomplishment to finish with. The earlier volumes (1-3) are out of print, so the collection is now incomplete. I don’t want to print them again because I’m trying to step away from self-publishing for a while.
That said, I’m also happy to announce that I’ve signed with a publisher for the Boumeries omnibus in French— hopefully I’ll find an English publisher for it soon! The first French book should come out spring 2020, right after the comic ends.
I also feel like my kids need some space away from the comics. Boumeries’ grown bigger than I ever thought it’d be, and although it makes me happy that people recognize me from my comics, it’s a little freaky that they too get recognized at the park when I’m not there with them.
It doesn’t mean the comic strips will stop entirely— I’ll probably have massive FOMO and feel like every great anecdote will be wasted, so you can still expect some short comics from time to time. The format might change. I’ll probably try new things! But quitting Boumeries will allow for other projects that I keep pushing back, like that 200+ page graphic novel I’ve wanted to work on for months now, but couldn’t. You haven’t seen the last of me, for sure!
So that’s it. There’s still a few more months of regular comics ahead, so it’s not goodbye just yet, and after that I’ll be reposting old comics to social media for old time’s sake. I’m sad but I’m also excited for the future. Thanks for sticking around for so long <3
All good things come to an end, but I’m glad that you are moving on to new projects. Thank you for all the excellent comics! I’m looking forward to what comes next!
This is sad to hear, but thank you for letting us join you on your journey throughout the years, it’s been an interesting ride filled with happiness, sadness, surprises, parenting tips and an oddly large number of toilets.
Thank you Boum!
May your future endeavors be fruitful and joyous!
It’s ok! Nothing’s forever. Thank you for the ride and we’ll be there until the last strip. :)
No appologies necessary. Growth is a part of art. As long as you continue to make art, we will appreciate it. Your work is magnificent, and the only thing that would be truly sad would be if you were unable to express yourself any more. To growth, and to new adventures. Viva La Boum
I hope you find another satisfying outlet for your humor. I’ve always liked it.
This makes me sad, really sad but all things come to an end and this series is no different. Been part of my life for so long too. Well whatever your endeavors going forward are, I wish you nothing but success. Your humor has been nothing but a beacon of light and joy in my life and I’ll always be thankful for that!
I Remember many years ago some clowns from Paris went to Quebec to talk up unity with the French government. The Quebecois weren’t real interested and wanted their own enclave within Canada. The Parisians got huffy and said : “You don’t even speak real French! ” The Quebecois replied ” Neither do you. ” IIRC it was Norman French vs. what ever the Parisians spoke.
Thank you for all the fun and laughs. This has been the webcomic I check first every day! I wish you and your family the best of everything. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Thank you everybody TT_____TT
Wahhh! Boumeries is the last of the webcomics I read from my feeds–because I save the best for last.
Today’s strip is awesome by the way. Pauvre Annette!
It’s been a pleasure following your family and the adventures they have brought you on. It’s been a great relief to see that our families, although separated by oceans and cultures, are very similar. Kids will be kids. Enjoy the new chapter in your life.
What everyone else said! I’ve so enjoyed getting the quirky peeks at your life. I love your storytelling and art. I’ll miss you, but I know you’ll have more creative projects coming along!
I wish I had some better bon mots to share in response to this news… *HUG*
I look forward to the finale. ‘Tis bittersweet, but so is the best chocolate. ^___^ All the best for the next phase of your art and life!
I’m looking forward to seeing your graphic novel come out in English and who knows,maybe you’ll come back after the other comic is done?
It’ll take some time getting used to but all good things must come to an end.By the way will you still be going to conventions?
I’ve been excited to see you try new things, honestly. I love Boumeries, but A Small Revolution has left me eager to see you do other things with comics. Even though it’s sad to know this comic is ending soon, it feels nice to have new work to look forward to. Here’s hoping your new comics end up being good for you as well.
I love you and your work! I’ll miss the comic but I’m excited for your future endeavors!
Yep! You haven’t seen the last of me!
It makes sense and I’m happy for you! Still sad.
Welp, that’s a shame, but it’s up to you. I can imagine that it eventually gets pretty weird with your family situation being all out in public and people recognizing you everywhere, haha. I wish you all the best, and thank you for these comics.
Gonna miss the comic, but looking forward to those new projects!
It’s been an absolute pleasure reading your comics. Thanks for sharing your slice of life for so long. You and your family deserve some privacy too. As the past ten years prove, the adventures, jokes, and joys you have will continue. Looking forward to your new projects.
Thank you for sharing your comic with us!
Well, did your other daughter ever get any ice cream?
Of course!
Well, she seemed to imitating a baby bird there. Me! Me! Feed me the ice cream my sister doesn’t want! :)
I can totally respect your choice. We have loved your comics for years now! It’s especially fun that our oldest are the ages of your girls. We may live super far away and not speak French, but it looks pretty similar (through this lens). Good luck with the future! I am excited to see it!
Oh, man, I started reading 3 weeks ago, after your guest strip in OJST. I just finished (an average of 75 or so strips/day), and this is 3 weeks + 1 day, so the first “new” strip I’ve seen. On the one hand, bummer it’s ending; OTOH, some new strips, La Petite Révolution, and whatever comes next. I’m excited to have found you.
Omg ;_; Thank you so much! I’m glad you stuck around!
Now,for the thing everyone’s been asking in their heads…did Annette ever get that ice cream?
She did!
For one, thanks for doing the strip in the first place, it’s been great and, I assume, continues to be great in the comics between here and the end (I haven’t read them yet).
For another, this’ll be the first webcomic I’ve read that has an actual ending, and, oddly enough, I’m grateful for that, too. I’m always worried I’ll forget to check for new comics if I close the tab, and so I wind up with way too many tabs on my laptop. My friends tease me about it, so I look at their screens and bite back whenever they have a buildup.
Thanks for binge reading :)